Chapter 23: Something is Wrong...

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It had been a week since Cookie's party.

Everyone was pretty much the same.


There might be one person who has been acting a little strange. According to Ryan.


Kim has been acting really strange ever since that party.

Ryan turns to Tina. "I don't get it. She's been acting so weird. Like super jumpy, and if I ask about it... Kim tries to tell me, but then it's like something is stopping her. She gets all jumbled up and doesn't know what to say. Or she just avoids it."

"Are you sure something didn't happen to her?" Tina asked.

"I don't think so. We were together like that whole time." Ryan answers.

"Hm... That is strange." Tina tries to think of an explanation. "Are you sure nothing happened? Like... Did you get separated for a bit? Did someone try to hit on her or something?"


Tina giggles, "Ryan, I'm sure if that happened, she'd tell you. This seems like something else is going on... I just can't put my finger on it..."

Ryan sighs, "Exactly. I don't know what to do. Something is obviously bothering my girlfriend, and she can't even tell me!"

Tina puts a hand on Ryan's hand. "Hey. Just give her some more time. If we can't get it out of her some time... Then we'll need to force it out of her."

"Dear god... That sounds like daycare Tina is coming back." Ryan looks a little frightened.

Tina giggles again. "And daycare Tina was no joke!"

Ryan laughs, and the bell rings for next class. "Oh, I better go find Kim. See you after school?"

"Yup!" Tina skips away.

Ryan walks down the hall and sees Kim standing against his locker. She seemed stressed, and not even here. Her mind was elsewhere.

Ryan walks up to her. "Hey." She looks up at him and puts a fake smile on.


"You okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah... Fine."

"You wanna tell me what's going on? Maybe specifically towards the party?" Ryan watches Kim as her eyes widen.

"Ryan... At the party... I..." Ryan noticed Kim glanced off to the side as her words drifted off, and she began to look scared. Kim's eyes met with Ryan's. "I had a lot of fun there." She smiles softly. "Wanna head to class?" Kim takes Ryan's hand in hers and walks.

Ryan is feeling even more confused than earlier. This was what happened every time she tried to talk about the party. It felt as if she was scared to tell him... But why?

Ryan sighed. What could have possibly happened?

They walked to Kim's class and Ryan kisses her cheek. "I'll see you at lunch." Ryan says.

Kim nods and walks into class. But as she turned around, Ryan couldn't help but notice the sadness in her eyes.

Ryan turns to walk to him class. "I don't get it..." Ryan says.

"Don't get what?" Ryan jumps and turns to see Goldy.

"Jeez... Goldy... You scared me."

Goldy giggles, "Sorry. Now what don't you get?" She asked.

"Don't you have a class to get to?" Ryan turned the question onto her.

"Nooooo." Goldy laughs. "What don't you get?!" She playfully nudges Ryan.

"Kim... She's acting really weird." Ryan sighed, finally answering.

"Oh, right. I noticed that." Goldy nods. "You don't know what's going on with her?"

Ryan shook his head, "No... Well it has something to do with Cookie's party... I just can't figure out what happen..."

"Oh right... Cookie's party was something... I still don't understand how she knew all of those people." Goldy says confused.

"I mean she did invite pretty much everyone." Ryan answers.

"True. Oh!" She sees Unicorn. "Hey babe, I have a question." Unicorn goes next to Goldy and puts an arm around her. 

"What's up?"

"Have you noticed anything weird about Kim? Ryan is worried about her." Goldy explains to Unicorn.

"Kim? Hm..." Unicorn thought about it. "Actually now that I think about it yeah. She has been acting weird."

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked, desperately wanting answers.

"I was trying to talk to her about a project we got assigned since we have science together, and she seemed really jumpy." Unicorn says. "I don't know if it was cause she wasn't expecting me to talk to her, which is weird because we do talk in that class... or if it's because Cookie is also in our class."

"So you think this is Cookie's doing?" Ryan looks at Unicorn.

"It's possible..." Unicorn started, "but that doesn't make sense, because Kim was fine before the party."

"So... what is her problem then... What happened at the party?" Goldy asked. "I don't understand. Are you sure you were together the whole time Ryan? It just doesn't make sense."

"Uh... I'm not sure. I think we were... I can't remember." Ryan rubs the back of his head.

"Hey! You three need to get to class!" One of the teacher yells.

"Sorry!" Ryan calls out. "I'll talk to you guys later." The three said bye and ran off to their classes.

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