Chapter 15: The Daycare Part 3

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Unicorn, Goldy, and Shark all walked off the bus. They looked around. "Wow... It worked Unicorn!" Goldy cheered.

"Ugh, Tina... You just need to get over him." The three heard a voice. They followed it to see Cookie, Tina, Kat, and Lizzy were walking towards the school.

"Oh come on Cookie. It's just so difficult! I mean James is sooo dreamy." Tina awes.

"God, you're ridiculous." Cookie rolls her eyes.

"Dude, are you serious?! I'm so coming over tonight!" They heard from the other direction.

"That's Ryan's voice!" Shark says. They turn to see Ryan and Sabre walking by.

"I'm cool with that. I need to see if Shark wants to come." Sabre says. Ryan and Sabre both glance over to see Goldy, Unicorn, and Shark standing there.

"Shark?" Sabre questions.

"U-uh what's up dude?" Shark stutters, he could believe that Sabre was talking to him.

"Why are you with them?" Ryan asked.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Shark was confused, "These two are our friends."

"Yeah, maybe back in daycare. Shark, I don't know what's going on with you, but we haven't talked to those two since the big fight at the end of middle school." Sabre tells Shark.

"Maybe we should bring him to the nurse?" Ryan suggested.

"Maybe... Come on bro. Let's go." Sabre and Ryan grab a hold of Shark, leaving Goldy and Unicorn there all confused.

"What... What was that?" Goldy asks.

"Apparently... Something we don't know." Unicorn responds. He then remembered Ryan when he was sent to the future. He could remember things if he really thought about it.

Unicorn thought hard about it.

Suddenly he saw it.

"You just don't understand do you?!" Kat yells at Tony. "Tony, we are just in middle school and you have slept with someone?! After asking me out?"

"It wasn't like that..." Tony rubs the back of his head.

"Really? It wasn't huh?" Kat cries. Tina and Cookie run up to her.

"How could you Tony?" Tina asked her brother. "Why...?" Tina turns towards Unicorn. "Unicorn... Please. Take him."

Unicorn nods and takes Tony away from the scene.

"Unicorn please believe me!" Tony begs.

"I'm sorry..." Was all Unicorn could say.

"I-It was Ryan!" Tony yells. Everyone in the room freezes. Tina runs up to her brother.

"What do you mean?!" Tina questions him.

"Ryan, Sabre, and Shark! They forced me to pretend to be with someone! I wouldn't dare do that to Kat! I promise I didn't sleep with anyone!" Tony turns to face Kat. "Kat..." Tony says in defeat. "I love you... They told me they'd do something to you if I didn't pretend to be with someone else... And I couldn't risk you getting hurt! And I know this did hurt you... But..." Tony teared up. "It was to protect you..."

Kat began to cry and ran into Tony's arms. Tina and Unicorn made eye contact. They both look back to Tony and asked. "What do you mean they threatened you?"

"I-I don't know... Like I said, I was just trying to protect Kat." Tony answers confused. "They have been acting weird lately.. You know?"

"That's true." Goldy adds, "Ryan usually comes by to say hi to me and Sal before he goes to his class. He stopped doing it..."

Tina frowns. She knew about this. Tina noticed the sudden change in Ryan, Sabre, and Shark. Ryan never wanted to hang out with her anymore. They used to go to each other's house almost every other day!

But... It all stopped.

Unicorn puts a hand on Tina's shoulder. She begins to tear up and hides her face on Unicorn's chest.

"Don't sorry Tina. We'll talk to them." Unicorn tried to comfort her. Tina shakes her head.

"If they had a problem they would've told us. I don't why they are acting like this... But... We can change it. We just have to let them be." Tina pulls away from Unicorn and turns to the rest of the group. "If they are to threaten any of our daycare group, you are to tell us. We are not going to let them do this..." Tina wipes her tears away.

"If you need me... I'll be in my class..." Tina slowly walks away with her head down.


Unicorn blinks and see Goldy. He was back in front of the high school, standing next to Goldy. She looked at him concerned.

"Unicorn, you good?" Goldy asked him.

"Y-Yeah... Goldy... This future doesn't seem that good either..." Unicorn says softly.

"Oh? Why?" Goldy questions.

"If you think about it... Ryan, Sabre, and Shark went on some kind of rampage... They aren't friends with the daycare kids anymore." Unicorn explains what he just saw.

"Oh! Hey, I kind of remember that... How weird..." Goldy frowns.

"We need to find Shark." Unicorn exclaims. "He's probably just as confused." Goldy nods and they begin to walk into the high school.

Suddenly Tina runs over and link arms with Goldy. "Hey girl. We were waiting for you." Tina giggles. "Oh? Did you and Unicorn finally make it official?!" Tina raises an eyebrow.

"U-uh y-yeah..." Goldy answers nervously playing along, she didn't know how to react. Tina was never this close to her. "We're dating..."

"Oh my gosh! Yaaas! Congrats!" Tina cheers. "Come on, let's tell everyone else!" Tina pulls Goldy to the group sitting around a table. Unicorn just follows.

Looking at the table there was definitely everyone from the daycare, except for Ryan, Sabre, and Shark.

"They're finally dating!" Tina's voice brought Unicorn's attention back.

"That's great!"

"Congratulations!" All the kids cheered.

"Thanks..." Goldy says and turns towards Unicorn. He walks up to her and smiles, taking her hand in his.

"Aw..." They all cooed.

"You guys are sooo adorable." Tina coos.

"You're just dreaming for James to ask you out now." Kat nudges Tina.

Tina scoffs laughing, "I am not!"

"Uh huh. Sure." Kat giggles. Tony comes up behind Kat and wraps his arms around her.

"You're so waiting for it." Tony confirms.

"Told you!" Kat exclaims.

Tina rolls her eyes. "You guys aren't fun."

"Hey the truth hurts." Tony shrugs at his sister.

"Goldy! Help me here!" Tina pulls on Goldy's arm. Goldy laughs nervously.

"Okay... Uh... I don't know what you're talking about..." Goldy pauses for a moment. "Tina is definitely waiting for it!" Goldy quickly runs and hides behind Unicorn. He chuckles at their playfulness.

"Goldy! What the heck?!" Tina laughs and chases after her. "Don't tell them that!"

"Sorry!" Goldy laughs running around the table.

More than just a Crush (Ryan x Tina)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant