Chapter 31: Fight?!

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Tina goes over to Cookie's house. Cookie opens the door smiling. "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while!" Cookie greets Tina.

Tina shuts her down. "What the actual hell were you thinking Cookie?"

Cookie looks at Tina confused. "What do you mean?"

"Cookie, what you did. You can get in really big trouble for it you know! How could you order for Kim to get raped?! That's illegal!" Tina yells.

"I still don't understand Tina. What are you talking about?" Cookie asks acting confused.

Tina scoffs. "Stop the act Cookie. She told us. She told us everything. You're done for."

"She was in the way! You and Ryan love each other! What else was I supposed to do?" Cookie finally admits.

"Let them be? Cookie, Ryan and Kim loved each other. It doesn't matter how I feel!" Tina fights. "You are in big trouble. I can't believe you."

"I did it for you Tina. You know you hated her too. I helped you." Cookie said.

"Cookie, I don't hate her. What the hell are you saying?" Tina was so confused. "And I don't need your help. I can handle myself. And that still doesn't give you a right to have someone raped."

"Why the hell are you not accepting my help?! Ryan is back with you now right?" Cookie pushes.

"H-how did you..." Tina stops and remembers that Cookie had planned for this to happen.

"Maybe you're the one who needs the help. Not me." Tina says to Cookie, watching her worriedly. "Cookie... You got her pregnant by having that person rape her."

Cookie groans, "Oh please! She could've stopped it anytime! Maybe she enjoyed it!"

"Enjoyed it?! Cookie, you're out of your mind! You had her tied up!" Tina yells, "What in the hell are you thinking?! You better be ready though." Tina squints her eyes.

"Now that Kim has Ryan and I on her side. You are going to get in a lot of trouble. I don't care if you're my best friend. If you were this wouldn't have happened." Tina spoke. "And once it gets to the court, I'm sorry, but you've lost me." Tina rolls her eyes as she began walking away.

"Tina wait!" Cookie yells out. "I honestly did it for you!"

"Cookie stop! You are delusional to think that helps me in any way!" Tina says turning towards Cookie. "You just don't get it, do you? You've hurt Kim so badly. Not even just physically, but mentally too. How could you do that? Make her keep this to herself? You do realize how much she needed to tell someone what happened right? That could've caused so much damage for her mentally." Tina scolds Cookie. "She could have gotten a mental illness, and that would be terrible for the baby. She could have lost it."

"You mean she's keeping it? Why the hell would she keep it?" Cookie asked confused.

"She isn't! She was only going to because Ryan thought it was his."

"So that bitch was going to lie?" Cookie growls.

"Oh my god... You're legit insane Cookie. Like what the actual hell Cookie? I-I don't even know who you are..." Tina shook her head and tried to walk away.

Cookie runs after her and grabs Tina's arm. "Tina stop! I swear if you tell anyone-"

"What?" Tina rolls her eyes as she fought back. "You will do what? Threaten me like you did Kim. Oh hell no Cookie. That's not happening." Tina's eyes darkened. "I know I'm different from the daycare Tina, but trust me. She's still here. And if you even think to do something to me, Ryan, or Kim again... Just you watch Cookie. You'll regret ever thinking to do this." Tina growls.

Tina pulls her arm away from Cookie. "Don't bother trying to change my mind. I'm done. I've tried to help you so many times Cookie." Tina sighs. "I'm sorry... But please look for some people who will be there... I don't want to be friends with someone who became a rapist planner."

"Tina!" Cookie tries to grab Tina again, but Tina stops her and smacks Cookie in the face.

"Don't you dare touch me! Cookie you don't get it do you? Stay away from all of us, or else you are the one to get hurt." Tina finally walks away.

She pulls her phone out and calls Ryan. "Hey, I talked to Cookie... It's true... God... Ryan... We should have seen it sooner..."

"Hey... Don't think like that... Please... We tried to be there for Kim as much as we could... There was no way we would have known..." Ryan tries to comfort Tina.

"How's Kim?"

"She's... Well a totally mess. I'm talking to her. Hey, I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Yeah. Bye Ryan." Tina hangs up the phone and gets into her car.



You guys are gonna hate me~

But you'll need to wait till next week for the next chapter ~

I'm trying to make sure the last couple chapters are written well for you guys! Edit, edit, edits~.

See you next week!

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