Chapter 5: Don't Hate Tina!

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It was the next day and Ryan walked into the high school thinking about what he could do about Tina. How could he somehow get his best friend back. All Ryan could really think about was if Tina would actually show up in his second period.

"Uh... Earth to Ryan. You there?" Ryan looks down at Goldy and Unicorn. He sighed. Goldy pointed in front of Ryan and he follows her finger. He realized that he almost ran into a pole in the middle of the hall.

"Oh... Right. Thanks." He says and walks around the pole still thinking about Tina. What could he possibly do to get his best friend back?

Ryan didn't pay attention to any of his first hour. Goldy and Unicorn were actually concerned for him. They thought he was getting too obsessed with the situation.

But then again... Come on, Ryan just found out. They had 10 years to get used to it.

Ryan sighed and heard the bell ring for them to leave class. Ryan quickly got up and left for his next class, history.

Ryan hoped that Tina would show up. He waited and waited. Making sure not to make it look like he was watching the door for her. Finally, he saw Sabre walking in. Cookie and Tina following close behind. Ryan tried to hide his smile. She actually came.

Tina sat behind Cookie, making her right next to Ryan. Ryan grins and cheers in his head.

The teacher walks to the front of the room. "Today we will be starting our first group project. You will be paired up in two's. I have assigned your partners. For this project, you and your partner will pick. One of the events that happened in chapter one in your books."

The teacher hands out the paper with instructions on it. Ryan looks down at the paper reading over it. He hoped he'd get paired with Tina. The teacher then put the list up on the board. Ryan quickly scanned through it, looking for his name. Then, he saw it. Ryan and Tina. He was doing flips in his head from all the excitement.

Ryan looks over at Tina, "Hey Tina! We're partners!" Tina rolls her eyes and sighs. "Which event do you want to work on?" Ryan asks her.

Tina sighs as Ryan looks down at the book. "What about this one?" Ryan pointed at an event in the book." Tina just looks away from him. Ryan tries asking Tina what she wanted to do again. He then noticed Sabre and Cookie were watching.

The two stood up and walked to the back of the room to grab supplies. Tina sighs again. "Listen. I don't want to work together. So, you can do all the work. And I'll check it at the end, 'kay?" Tina gets up and walks to the back of the room to Cookie and Sabre.

"You okay?" Ryan heard Cookie ask.

"Ugh, I'm partnered with Ryan. Do you think I'm okay?!" Tina groans.

Ryan frowns. The bell rang and Ryan quickly left for to meet Shark in their next class.

"Well... You know it wasn't going to be easy to talk to her again Ryan." Shark sighs. "Just know it'll take time."

Ryan pouts and nods his head.

"Just remember that ever since you left the daycare, she hasn't been the same. That's not something you just change right away, you know?" Shark kept trying to reason with him.

"Yeah." Ryan answered. He knew Shark was right. It was the matter of accepting it. Which Ryan struggled with. Ryan began to feel frustrated.

Why can't I get Tina to talk to me again?

Ryan thought to himself. All he wanted was to have his best friend back. But how? How was he going to do it?

* * *

It was lunch time. Ryan met Goldy, Unicorn, and Shark by the lunch room doors. Ryan told them that he wanted them to follow him to a corner table so they could talk.

"I mean... I don't see why not." Goldy tells Ryan. Ryan thanks them in his head and leads them to a table.

"So... What's this about buddy?" Shark asked Ryan.

Ryan sighs, "Tina. It's about Tina."

"Ryan... We told you already... Just leave her be." Unicorn groans.

"Guys! You need to listen to me." Ryan sighs in frustration. All they kept saying was to ignore Tina, or to not even bother with her. They don't even know the truth yet.

"What?" They questioned him.

"The reason Tina is like this..." Ryan paused. Was it really okay to tell them? They were friends with Tina too... Ryan sighs again.

"Tina is like this because what?" Goldy asks.

"Ryan you really need to just leave-"

"Her dad passed away in a car accident after the day I left." Ryan quickly says. The three stare at Ryan for a few minutes. Goldy glances at Tina and then back to Ryan.

"Wait- What... What are you talking about Ryan?" Goldy asked, feeling very conflicted.

"I know... You told me not to listen to Sal or any of them who were with Tina and Tony. But... I had to. Sal told me that Tina and Tony's dad died in a car accident. They didn't tell anyone because they didn't want you guys to worry."

"Wh-what?! Ryan we were friends with her. How could she-"

"Because it's Tina. And when she wants something done it happens. You know this." Shark sighs, glancing at his once best friend, Sabre.

"So... All that time, Tina was actually going through a family death? Oh my god..." Goldy frowns, realizing what Tina was going through.

"If only she would have told us..." Unicorn sighs. "Our group wouldn't have separated like it did. Even if we did... We'd at least be on better terms."

"Yeah... I feel bad for her though... Losing a parent at that age is hard." Goldy glances at Ryan. "Sal told you this? I don't understand..."

"They promised Tony and Tina that they wouldn't tell." Ryan told them.

"But he told you." Shark spoke.

"Yes... But that's because... You know? Tina usually opens up to me." Ryan replies.

Goldy looks down at her hands. "Yeah, but she isn't. We can see she's not." Ryan nods softly.

"I just don't want you guys hating Tina. And if I had to spill her secret, so be it. I hope you'll join me in getting our friend back to her normal cheerful self again." Ryan looks at the three.

They all glance to each other then back to Ryan. "Okay."

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