Chapter 11: Tina or Kim?

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The next day, Ryan walks into his 2nd class with Kim. Ryan sits down and glances at Tina, who looked bored.

"Hey Tina! How are you?" Ryan asks. Tina just ignores him.

Ryan sighs and felt a poke on his back. He turns to see Kim. "Huh? Kim? How'd you get here?"

"I, uh.. Asked to switch seats." Kim smiles.

Ryan nods and smiles at her. Ryan looks over at Tina again and hands her a paper. It was their project that he finished. "Can you read over it?" He asked, "I don't know if it needs anything."

Tina sighs and says, "Okay."

Tina reads the paper and tells Ryan it looked fine and actually starts working on the project with him. "It looks fine, but we should add some of the information from the paper I gave you the other day." Tina mentions.

Ryan was shocked. That was the most Tina had talked to him. Ryan pulled out the paper Tina had given him. "Can I see your pencil?" Tina holds her hand out for Ryan's pencil. Ryan nods giving it to her.

Kim kind of pouts as they talked, but she knew they were just working on a project. When Tina had to walk away to grab more supplies, Kim taps Ryan's shoulder.

"Hey, what's up?" Ryan asked Kim.

"What did you do your project on?"

"Some concentration camps. Tina went to get the Anne Frank book." Ryan explains to Kim. Kim nods.

"That is an interesting thing... So sad too..." Kim pouts.

"Ryan, are we working or not?" Ryan and Kim turns to where the voice came from. Tina was there rolling her eyes.

"Right! We are working... Sorry Kim, I'll talk to you later."

Kim just nods and sighs. She glances at Tina, who was also glancing at her. Tina then looks back at the paper. Kim was confused.

'What was that about?' Kim thought to herself.

Once the bell rang, Tina tried to call Ryan, but Kim took his attention and pulled him out of class. "Ry-Ryan!" Tina raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Whatever, if he needs a pencil that's not my fault. I tried to give it back to him." Tina and the other two, Cookie and Sabre, leave to go to their next class.

Ryan and Kim walk into class. Kim going to her seat and Ryan sitting next to Shark.

"Sup my dude?" Shark asked.

"Nothing much, oh! Tina talked to me today!"

"Oh?" Shark says not really interested. "And what did she say?"

"Uh... Stuff we should add to our project..." Ryan rubs the back of his head embarrassed.

Shark burst out laughing. "What?! Ryan please. That's her working with you as a partner." Shark wipes his tears away, from laughing. "Of course she talked to you because of that. She has to in order to get a good grade."

Ryan sighs. "I don't know what I'm going to do..."

"Go hang out with your other girlfriend." Shark says casually.

Ryan coughs and stutters, "G-Girlfriend?! What?"

"Yeah, Kim?" Shark answers.

"She is not my girlfriend!" Ryan whispers.

"Oh? Really? You seemed pretty close already and it's only her second day." Shark laughs, "Damn, you work fast."

Ryan sighs.

Shark nudges Ryan, "Hey man. I'm kidding. I just don't like you obsessing over Tina. She's not even your friend at the moment. Maybe at some point you guys will be, but not at this moment."

Ryan nods, "Yeah.. I know. Sorry. I just... I want my friend back."

"So do I man..." Shark pouts.

Ryan knew who he was talking about. The other buddy who is stuck by Tina's side.


Ryan puts a hand on Shark's shoulder. "He'll be back... Don't worry man."

"Yeah, and when he does... He's going to get kicked in the butt for leaving me like that." Shark huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Ryan and Shark! If your conversation is so important, why don't you share it with the class." The teacher yells.

"Sorry ma'am..." They both say with their heads down.

"Thank you. Please pay attention. There's a test on Friday, and I don't want you to fail because you two aren't listening." The teacher groans.

Ryan and Shark nod. Ryan glances over at Kim who giggled softly at them. Ryan smiles softly and looks at the board to pay attention to the lesson.

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