Chapter 17: 4 Months Later

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(A/n): Here you go! I feel like you guys are going to hate me for this! Enjoy!

It was almost Christmas break. Ryan had accomplished becoming better friends with Tina. Even though she is still the same. She still ignores Ryan, but not much as he never notices the small smiles that he brings her.

It was lunch time. Ryan was walking down the hall and Kim came up next to him, wrapping an arm around his. These two have gotten the closest out of his friends group. Even closer than what Ryan and Tina were like in the daycare.

"Hey." She greets him and he smiles. "Any plans for Christmas break?" Kim asks.

"We can hang out as usual. I don't think my mom planned on any trips."

"Cool!" Kim exclaims.

Ryan thought about how he was going to talk to Tina. But he also made sure that he made time for Kim. Because of course he likes her too.

Kim knew not to step in when Tina was there. She knew her boundaries, but she also knew that she liked Ryan too.

Ryan turns towards Kim, "You wanna come over after school?" Kim nods. They walk into the lunchroom. Goldy, Unicorn and Shark notice the two.

"Ugh... What is going on between those two?" Goldy groans.

"I guess they are actually going to get together..." Shark says.

"I just don't understand... Why is it that she is in all of the timelines. She's married to Ryan in one, and dating him in another." Goldy exclaims.

"Meaning it's bound to happen." Unicorn adds. "Just let everything take it's course."

"I haven't seen Tina and Ryan actually end up together." Goldy pouts.

"And you won't! No more time traveling." Unicorn scolds her. Goldy laughs as Ryan and Kim walk up.

Ryan and Kim sit down. "Hey guys." Ryan greets them.

"Hey." They respond.

Kim slightly smiles and waves.

No one waved back.

Kim hides her lips inside her mouth, trying to ignore it.

Shark looks over at Ryan. "So, how's it going with Tina?"

"Great! She talking to me a lot more. I'm happy with the results so far." Ryan smiles.

Goldy agrees as she has seen tina acting a little more like her original self. "I see her smiling a lot more."

Kim felt jealous of them talking about Tina, but she knew that Tina is his friend. So, she never complained.

Kim also knew that Ryan's friends never liked her. They were always leaving her out of conversations, or acting like she wasn't there. That was what bothered her that most.

Kim frowns, "I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom." No one listened as usual, and she walked away.

Or so she thought.

Suddenly she felt a poke on her shoulder. Kim turned to see Ryan. He smiles.

"Why are you here?" Kim asked. She felt happy about, but he was having a conversation with his friends.

"I was worried, because you looked sad." Ryan answers.

Kim sighs, "It... It's just that you're friends... They don't accept me in with the group. I'm sure they hate that I'm around you."

Ryan just nods. He knew about it, that was why he always tried to give her some attention.

They reached the bathrooms.

Ryan takes a hold of Kim's hands. "I will always be there for you. Don't worry about them."

"How can I not worry about them, Ryan? They are your best friends. People you knew since you were little. They aren't just going to suddenly let me in." Kim sighed.

"And that's why I said not to worry. Because I'm here with you. They are my friends, but so are you. And I don't like my friends to be sad." Ryan smiles softly at her.

Kim closes her eyes. She felt her heart skip a beat. She needed to stop and calm down.

Kim groans as she opened her eyes and looks up at Ryan. Ryan looks at her confused.

"Please don't be mad..." Kim whispers as she quickly pulled him in close and his lips met hers. Ryan's eyes widen but then he closes them a second later. He wraps his arms around Kim and kisses her back. Kim smiles into the kiss and they separate. Ryan and Kim look at each other.

Ryan smiles, "I'll wait for you here."

Kim blushes and nods. She walks into the bathroom saying no other words.

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