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It's been 6 months ever since Eliza last spoke. Six months had gone by and they all were closer, but it seemed like Eliza and Daniel had drifted apart, ever since she went to their house on that day when Paradox allowed her to go to the WDW house since he had to go to work. Eliza was still quiet but desperately wanted to say something. She's afraid that she isn't able to say something without crying (when she's not mad).

*Eliza POV*

Ugh!!!! I wanted to say something, like the old me. Should I just say something? Should I just keep quiet? I need opinions, but if I do decide to talk, I want to surprise the boys, so I shouldn't ask for their opinions. Anyways they came out their new song, Trust Fund Baby!!!! Omg! It is soooo good. Anyways, I'll think about it myself.

Daniel and I haven't spoken together in a while. I wonder if he's mad at me for something or if he just is sick of me. He doesn't really smile as much, like he used to. *Gasps* I wonder if it had to do with something that happened six months ago when I went to their place, when Paradox had to go to work. When they serenaded me and all. When Daniel had to tell me............. NO!! That's... what? It can't be. He's mad at me for that? He's upset over that? I still really like him. ughhhh I hate myself I really do. I guess I'm gonna talk to him then.

*few hours later*

I went to the WDW house and rang the doorbell. The door opened and it was Daniel. He had a surprised face and so did I.

"Hey.... Eliza..." He said with a frown.

I smiled and nodded. He gestured for me to come in.

"ELIZAAAA!!!" Zach comes from the living room yelling.

I couldn't help it anymore so I decided to speak. I had enough. I am speaking.

"ZACH!!!" I yell.

Everyone looked surprised, even I was. I didn't think I was gonna actually gonna do it. Daniel looked at me surprised. The first time in 6 months he actually looked at me like the first time we met. I didn't even know why I rejected him. I've always liked him, and I still have those feelings for him.


Daniel told me.......

He told me he liked me.

I didn't know what to do.

I was scared.

I wasn't ready.

I hurt him.

And I hurt me.

"I like you Eliza, from the day we met, so will you go out with me?" Daniel says with his innocent face and beautiful smile.

"First, do you like me?" he asked.

I texted him I wasn't ready, and I didn't know how I felt. But that was a lie. I knew how I felt. But it was true when I said I wasn't ready.

"Oh okay..." he says and then he left.

He walked away.

Just like that. He walked away.

I feel bad.

I stood there like an idiot and watched the guy that I like and who liked me, walk away.

I am a horrible person. I couldn't believe that I had done that. I felt so guilty.

Why did I let the guy I liked, walk away, when he had confessed his feelings for me and asked me out?

Why am I so stupid?

Why did I hurt him?

I shouldn't told him I liked him.

UGHHHHH!!!! I hate myself so much now!!!

Little did I know that tears were forming out of my eyes.

I was crying. Zach came in. I didn't notice.

I was drowned in my thoughts.

Emptiness was the only emotion that I can feel.

Can I fix things with him soon?

Should I confess my feelings to him?

Does he still like me?

Just why? Why did I do this?

I hurt him and I hurt myself by doing this.

Ugh! Should I kiss him?

No. I'll just leave then.

I walked out the door ignoring everyone. Daniel was by the pool not looking back.

I felt so bad.

Once I got home, I went straight to my room and plopped on my bed, crying.

*End of Flashback*

I ran outside to their backyard, and say by the pool. Crying. Just crying. Memories. Bad memories. Daniel comes out and comforts me.  There he is.

"Hey, it's alright, you're gonna be fine," he says while still hugging me.

I decided that I'll speak to him.

"Thanks for being there for me," I say.

"Anytime," he says acting casual.

"The truth is, I do like you, I didn't know why I lied to you-" I started to say but then he cuts me off by kissing me.

I suddenly felt better. I can finally become me again.

A/n: hey guys! I hope y'alls enjoyed this chapter and comment down any ideas and who u want Eliza to end up with. See ya next time! Baiiii

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now