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Grayson's pov:

I wake up on Ella's couch, cuddled up next to her. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping.
I gently move the hair out of her face, taking in all of her gorgeous features.

I try to secretively place a soft kiss on her forehead. Luckily, she doesn't wake up.
Her quiet snores are music to my ears, each breathe she takes has a perfect harmony.

Her eyes begin to flutter before they open all the way. She gives me a soft smile before snuggling her face into my neck.

One minute we're all lovey-dovey, and the next we're just friends. (what a bipolar relationship lol)

"Are you feeling better?" I ask, rubbing her back. She nods, smiling.

"I'm hungry," she says, yawning and stretching her arms out wide. I'm surprised she even let out a single sound.

"Let's make some pancakes!" she says, jumping up off the couch.

I chuckle, following her into the kitchen.


As I grab a bowl from the cupboard, I notice Ella sneaking behind me, and she throws a fistful of flour at my face when I turn around.

"Oh no you didn't," I say in a sassy voice, earning a giggle from Ella.

"You mess with Chef Gray, you get messed with," I say, grabbing an egg and cracking it on Ella's head.

She gasps, pretending to be mad, but then starts laughing as she throws more flour at me.

It turns into a full on food fight, and soon there's milk, flour, and eggs all over the kitchen, and on Ella and I.

"Whoops?" Ella says, shrugging her shoulders.

We both practically fall on the floor from laughing, slipping on the milk that's all over the floor.

"Maybe we should get cleaned up," I say, picking my self up off the ground, and brushing flour off of my apron.

"Ya think?" Ella states, and I pick her up off of the floor.

I smile at her as she goes into her bedroom to change, and I notice her peaking at me from behind her shoulder.

I send her a wink, and she chuckles before entering her bedroom.


I'll make it official sooooon

Not that any of you care, but I'm craving Doritos lol.


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