The Boys Are Back

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"You seem happy." Thalia Grace laughed as Annabeth bounded down the stairs of her fathers newly restored mansion.

The money from Annabeths fights had been enough to buy the place, and fully restore, remodel, and refurbish it, with cash to spare. She shrugged and grabbed an apple from the ceramic bowl on top of the marble counter. "You know why. Just a few more days before I get to rough up the Poseidon kid."

"His last name is actually Jackson, and-" Thalia corrected Annabeth, grinning.

"Does it look like I-"

"Give a rats ass? No, no it does not, but I do. Its either you learn the guys name, or you don't fight." Thalia smiled.

Annabeth rolled her eyes at her best friend. Thalia Grace was the sister Annabeth never had. She had short, pixie cut black hair that was gelled into spikes, a spike studded biker glove (only one), and black high tops. Today, she wore an MCR t-shirt, paired with overly ripped skinny jeans, and a heavy winter, silver camouflage jacket. Her choice in clothes was, sometimes, questionable, but she always managed to look badass and dangerous. I always blamed the hair and the glove. Shed also gotten a silver baracelet, with a bronze bow and arrow charm to hang from it from her aunt, who was also Annabeths History teacher, Diana Artemis.

"Fine..." Annabeth said playfully. "Ugh. I'm gonna be late, can I catch a ride?"

"Yeah, totally. Come on, Owly."

"Jerk." Annabeth huffed.

Thalia smirked slowly, moved in Annabeths path, and yelled, "Bitch!"

"Wow, Thals, wow. Supernatural refrence, huh?" Thalia smirked, stealing Annabeths barely eaten apple, bwfore skipping down the hall. Actually, iteral, legitamite skipping. Annabeth couldnt help but laugh.

She grabbed her back as she walked past her dads office. "Love ya, Daddy!"

"When are you gonna be home today?"

"Uh... I have to help tutor this new kid, so, probably 5 or 6..."

"Alright, be careful. I love you!"

"I love you too, dad!"


"Ooh, nice dress, Annie-Beth. I thought it was too scandalous for you to show anything above your ankles!" Drew Tanaka, Annabeths main mean girl and tormentor, snickered.

Annabeths dress wasn't exactly something she hadn't worn before, so the sudden decision to tease her about it was un-called for. Annabeth just huffed.

Her dress was black, Thalia's choice, the hem was long in the back, and short in the front, with the neckline and sleeves in a straight cut across her chest. She also had a thin black choker necklace, black fishnet stockings and black combat boots, all of which were Thalias idea.

"Go away, Drew." Annabeth huffed, closing her locker. She turned her head, her blonde ponytail sashaying through the air, slaping Drew in the face. Drew snarled, looking ready to lunch. "Swing at me, and you'll lose your spot as the cool girl forever, trust me."

Drew looked as if Annabeth had confused her, which wasn't hard to do. Annabeth rolled her eyes and walked away. She had to meet with the principal and the New kids. Not only was she tutoring one of them, but she was also leading both of them to their classes. The three of them had almost all different classes, but since Annabeth had the highest grades and the perfect record, she had an all day tardy pass if she was late while showing them the school. That was the one good thing about the situation. The rest of it was bad because of two reasons.

1, they were both boys.

2, they were both sons of major business biggies.

3, they were painfully competitive.

4, their parents were financial enemies.

And 5, they despised one another.

Which meant: Fun times for Annabeth!

She didn't even know their names.

"Ahh, Miss Chase." The principal, an older woman named Mrs Dodds smiled bitterly as I walked in. She liked me, but she hated all other students.  "You're nice and dressed up, arent you? I hope its not for the boys, they're being pretty intolerable right now."

"Everyone is intolerable to you, Mrs Dodds." The old woman smiled.

"Well, these two are even annoying Minerva." Annabeth shook her head.

"I bet, I read the file. Although, the lack of provided names was conspicuous." Annabeth said, rolling her eyes jokingly. Mrs Dodds smirked. "Anyways, I have a special occasion over the next couple days, so no, I'm not dressed to impress."

"Good, darling. Men are worthless. I'll get the boys." Annabeth smiled.

Mrs Dodds walked down the hall, disappearing into one room, then reappearing and disappearing into another. Were they so bad that the two of them had to be separated!? Annabeth wanted to laugh at the thought alone. She shook her head, and her silver owls jingled against her jaw line. A few stray curls fell into her face, and she reached to brush them away as two boys appeared.

One of them was tall, with military style, cropped blonde hair that had a streak missing, as if it had been shot off with a bullet, electric blue eyes and a scar on his lip. He reminded Annabeth of Thalia's story about her little brother who vanished, the kid who tried eating a stapler. He wasnt very striking too Annabeth. The other boy on the other hand... He had raven black hair, that was messy, longer than the blondes, and sea green eyes that churned like the sea. For a second, she was caught in his gaze, feeling like she was riding a surf board on the sea, something she hadn't done since her mom was around. Then the moment was broken, and the blonde held his hand out.

He smiled, clearly kinder than the black haired kid. "I'm Jason."

She smiled back her biggest 'don't test me, I'm warning you, superman' smile and shook his hand. "In Annabeth. Nice to meet you!"

He really looked like Superman, buff, strong shoulders, not too skinny, not too muscly. She knew immediatEly that her other best friend, Piper McLean would flip. This Jason dude was totally her type.

The other guy said nothing, made no move, and pulled out his phone. Annabeth shrugged. "What's your first class?"

"Mr Brunner." Jason said.

"Oh, cool! Me and my bestfriend have him first hour too! He's really fun. Has a sword and everything. Come on, Ill show you your lockers, then we can head to class."

"I'm not going." The black haired guy said. She laughed, as if she thought it was genuinely funny, like Drew laughs when she wants a guy to have sex with her. Then hwr face hardened.

"I don't give a damn, boy. You wanna act all cool and not go to class, well let me tell ya something. Even the school slut goes to all her classes. Either you get your lazy ass moving, put your phone away, and grow a pair of balls, or you get the shit beat out of you by a girl." Jason took a step away, seeming genuinely afraid of Annabeth.

The black haired kid sighed. "Id like to see you try, Blondie."

"Oh, you will," Annabeth looked over her shoulder as Thalia Grace entered beside Jason, who jumped, and looked nearly ready to faint. "Percy. Poseidon. Jackson."

Annabeth had never seen a guy go from such a gorgeous sunny tan, to a sickly paper pale faster than her opponent did.

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