5 Years, And 9 Months Later

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"Percy, calm down. This is Annabeth we're talking about. She'll be fine!" Piper said, but she was clearly nervous as well. It hadnt taken this long with Piper...

"You're telling me what Annabeth told Jason. No wonder you two are best friends."

"Yeah, well, I gave her note cards to follow." Piper smiled. Percy laughed.

"I swear, if you're following note cards-"

"Percy, you need to calm down. Annabeth is gping to be fine. She kicked Kronos' ass at 17 years old, I think she can handle child birth at 25 years old."

"I know that, Piper, I was there."

"So chill out-" piper cut off as a doctor walked in. Percy shot to his feet when he saw Dr Solace, the boyfriend of his younger cousin Nico.

"Congrats, you have a healthy baby girl....." Will said. Percy nearly collapsed in relief at Will's words.

Piper laughed, "Do you wanna see your kid or not?"

"Obviously." Percy smiled. Will lead him down the hall to the room they set Annabeth in. When they got there, Percy rushed in, pushing past Thalia and Annabeths father.

She was laying on the hospital bed, her hair splayed out around her head in a tangled and curly mess. She was holding a baby with short tufts of blonde hair, and deep sea green eyes. Percy stopped moving when he saw her and smiled.

Annabeth looked up, a huge smile on his face. "What are you waiting for, Seaweed Brain? Don't you wanna hold her?"

He moved forward slowly, hesitantly, and gently took his daughter from Annabeths arms. She smiled sleepily as he held his sleeping child. "Meet Emma Zoe Jackson."

Percy smiled, and Emma, although asleep, grabbed his fingerwith her tiny hand. "She's perfect..."




Hope you guys enjoyed!!!! I am thought about it, and I'm actually not gonna do a sequel, but I hope y'all will read my other fan fics!

In every one, there will be Love, drama, mean girls, and Overprotective Percy!!!!

Faith Lininger

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