Head Slamming Sleepover

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"You had an unplanned sleepover?" Percy whined.

"Without us?" Jason followed.

Annabeth huffed and rolled her eyes. "Grow up, boys. By the way, Hazel Levesque, she's your cousin, is here too" They both crinkled their nose at that.

"We know that. We care about the fact that you and Piper were there, without inviting us." Percy pouted.

Annabeth laughed. "Who cares? Why are you guys following me anyways? How did you even find my house?"

Annabeth had woken up to her dad knocking on her bedroom door, saying there was two boys at the door waiting to see her. Annabeth had rolled her eyes, expecting Luke and one of his jockeys, with the plan to slap them, but when she saw Percy and Jason instead, she groaned, then slammed the door in their faces and walked away. Then her dad made her be nice and let them in.

"We asked Thalia." Percy shrugged.

"Ya know, my long lost sister that your dad apparently adopted." Annabeth grinned sweetly at Jason.

"Thanks, now I have reason to shove a stick up her ass before the match. I was sleeping." She grunted, grabbing an apple.

"We have school..."

"It's three in the goddamn morning, Percy! This is the one time I could care less about school! I was asleep, and you ruined my peace. I'm totally burying you in the dirt." Annabeth growled, throwing her apple at his face. Percy caught it and smiled, a genuine smile that, if Annabeth would willingly admit, almost melted her heart. She scowled at him. "You're not as charming as you think you are. And you're not cute."

He pouted, puppy dog eyes and all. Okay... That's a little cute... She thought, then shook her head.

"I'm going back to sleep, you two. Break anything, and you pay for it, got it?"

They both nodded, and Annabeth turned to go upstairs, but the appearance of Piper and Hazel cut her plan off.

"Why are there cute boys here?" Piper said through her sleep fogged mind. Annabeth physically slammed her head into the wall.


"Does your heas not hurt?" Percy smiled at Annabeth, handing her an ice pack and sitting next to her on the couch.

"Ive been punched in the head harder than that, so its not that bad." Annabeth shrugged, she reached up to hold the ice pack, but Percy swatted her hand away. "Thanks... I guess..."

"No problem. I gotta ask though... Why dont you like me? At moments when youre not thinking, or just seem to nor care, your seem to like me, but if you are thinking and you do care, you act like I've ruined your life." His smile was gone, replaced with a look of confusion. Annabeth shrugged.

"I dont warm up to people easily."

"That's funny, you met Hazel and immediately let her sleep at your house." He said. Annabeth wasnt looking at him, eyes down.

"Its a long, semi-painful story that I'd really rather not get into at 3 in the morning." Percy lifted her head, a finfer under her chin. He smiled again, a small smile that was barely there, but she could see it.

Annabeth would never say it out loud, but Percy was adorable sometimes. The little smiles he shot at her when they were supposed to be listening to the teacher in their only shared class. The perfect puppy pout he gave when he wanted something. Other times, he wasnt adorable at all, other times, he looked just plain hot. That was also something Annabeth would never say out loud.

His eyes stared into hers, and Annabeth was captivated by the swirls of color. She didn't want him to look away, didn't want to blink and erase the image of his eyes, even if it would be for a split second. His smile made her smile, made her almost want him to kiss her... She closed her eyes, smiling brighter, and she felt his nose brush against hers.

With that thought, her eyes flew open and she realized he was getting closer to her, to her lips. Annabeth jerked away, "I gotta go to the bathroom..." She grabbed the ice pack quickly and pressed it to her still throbbing head as she darted up the stairs. She got into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, pressing her back against the wood.

Annabeth sunk to the floor, holding the pack to her head. He almost kissed her. That time, he did realize how close they were, and he did almost kiss her. Stupidly,unexplainable, she felt bad for running away...

Unconsciously, she wondered what it would be like to kiss him... Just to kiss him, with no strings attached and no emotions following... Maybe that would work... Annabeth sighed and shook her head. There was no way in hell it would work. Although she told Thalia she wasn't attracted to Percy... She'd lied through her teeth. She was totally attracted to him. There was no way she wouldnt be. He was funny, nice, caring... He could go from the cutest thing in the world, to the sexiest without trying.

Annabeth growled at herself and got to her feet, putting one hand on the edge of the sink, bracing herself. She looked at her reflection. Frankly, she looked like she might be sick. With a sigh, she put the ice pack down and turned on the faucet, splashing cold water on her face. It didnt help much. Annabeth closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before turning away from the sink and grabbing the door handle.

I will not kiss him... I will not kiss him... She opened the door. I will not... Fuck.

Percy stood on the other side of the door, fist raised to knock. Annabeth forgot her mental mantra, and just froze. Percy seemed to do the same, and for a moment, neither of them moved. Then they both moved. Annabeth moved forward and so did Percy, meeting halfway.

Percys arms slid around her waist, and Annabeths arms went around Percys neck, their lips clashing in the middle. If asked, Annabeth wouldnt know how to explain why she kissed him, or why she played with his hair as it happened, or why she wouldn't let him pull away, or why she let him press her back against the wall.

In the back of her mind, Annabeth figured that she wouldn't even care to explain it, she'd most likely just flip off the person who asked, and walk away.

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