I'm Back, Bitches

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When Annabeth returned to school, a week after her release from the hospital because her father wanted to take zero chances, everyone had heard about Annabeth being in the hospital. Of course, people decided to be cruel about it, and spread rumors.

People meaning Drew.

"So you're pregnant?"

Annabeth started choking on her water, the clear liquid hitting Piper in the face. "What!?"

"Luke told me you were pregnant." Drew smirked. Annabeth grit her teeth, screwing the cap on her water bottle. Piper looked scared, watching Annabeth as she turned to Drew slowly, cracking her knuckles.

"You know what, Drew..." Drew looked a little scared now.


She tried to back away. Annabeth calmly stuck her water bottle into her back pack, and clenched her fist, about to punch the other girl, Drew saw and she stepped away again, into a locker. Annabeth moved forward, grey eyes glowing furiously. She brought her fist back, and she would have destroyed Drew's nose job if someone hadn't grabbed her fist.

Drew ran away, and Annabeth turned to the person who stopped her. It was Percy.

He had a raised eyebrow, a bit of a smirk on his face, and relief in his eyes. "You're lucky you're not someone else, Seaweed Brain."

He smiled, and opened his mouth to speak, but she didn't give him a chance. Instead, she jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him. Percy was clearly taken back, his arms tight around her waist. "This is new." He chuckled, but he held her tighter, clearly not complaining.

"Shut up." Annabeth smiled, pulling away from the hug, before kissing him deeply. Piper squealed, and Annabeth smirked, one hand on the back of Percy's neck. His hands slid down to her hips, and he pressed her closer, which made her body regret her minds decision to pull away when she did.

"That's definitely new..." He smiled, a little breathless. "What was that for?"


"For?" Percy looked confused, and Annabeth smiled. He really was a total Seaweed brain.

"My mom." She smiled, and looked over her shoulder at Piper who was jumping up and down like a fan girl.

"YES! YOU KISSED!" She had crazy eyes going, and Annabeth realized that there was a lot of people watching her and Percy's exchange. She started to pull away, but Percy's arms tightened around her, almost possessively, and Annabeth smiled.

"Percy, what-" Percy kissed her again, a smirk on his face. This time, it was Annabeth's turn to be shocked. It wasn't long before she regained her barrings, and she began kissing him back, hand on the back of his neck again, his hand pressing into the small of her back. Annabeth felt a tingle run up her spine as he pressed his palm into her back, and almost blushed. She forced herself away from his lips, giggling like Piper. "What was that...?"

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Luke looked jealous."

Annabeth giggled again, dropping her head against his collar bone, which was actually kind of hard, because Percy was basically dipping her, like at the end of a waltz. Annabeth's hair, completely unbrushed and crazy curly, nearly touched the floor. Percy smiled, and stood her up again, but she didn't pull away, blushing now. Percy held her close, and Annabeth listened as he told people to beat it.

Footsteps shuffled away, and Annabeth turned her head to look around, relieved when it was once again just her, Percy, and Piper. "You alright, Wise Girl?" Percy smiled at her.

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