Beach House Escape

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"Annabeth? What are you doing here?" Percy mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Thalia appeared beside her, and he frowned. "You guys okay?"

"Think we could crash here for a couple nights?" Thalia said, so Annabeth didnt have too.

"Yeah, come on in... I'll go ask my mom if its okay..."

"Thank you, Percy..." Annabeth said softly, letting Thalia lead her past him. She felt his eyes on her, and remember the first day he was at Goode High School. That had only beed two weeks ago... It seemed like it had been much longer.

"Can I use the bathroom?" Thalia asked.

"Yeah, first door on the left." Thalia walked away, and Annabeth surged forward, hugging him. He frowned, wrapping her up in his arms. Annabeth closed her eyes, and her shoulders shook in a dry sob. "Annabeth? Wise Girl, what's wrong!?"

She didnt respond, and he swooped her up, bridal style. He carried her to the couch in the corner of the room.

Percy had told Annabeth about and shown her the vacation house his mom had bought, and told her he would be staying there over the weekend. She fwlt kind of bad to bug him, but her mom had been pretty much ready to drag her our of the city without letting her say goodbye. She wanted to see him. She... Needed to see him.

Percy sat on the couch, cradling her in his arms. Annabeth moved unconsciously, so she was straddling his hips. Percy rested his hands on her hips and and pressed her forehead to his. Slowly, he snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Annabeth put one of her arms around his neck, watching as Percy closed his eyes.

His nose bumped her cheek and he moved slowly to kiss her, leading to Annabeth closing her eyes.

"Sorry, Percy, I know that we- Oh my gods! Really!?" Annabeth shot away from Percy in a flash, to the other side of the room, curled up in the couch opposite him. Percy looked grumpy, and Thalia stood with her hand covering her eyes. "Are you two hormonal freaks decent?"

"Thalia-" Annabeth sighed.


"We're not kissing, if thats what you mean." Thalia put her hand down and rolled her eyes as Percys annoyed tone.

"Look, I'm all for you two together... But no ripping each others clothes off while I'm present in the room, please?"

"You weren't present in the room at first." Percy huffed. "And we weren't taking off our clothes."

He still looked tired, which Annabeth had to admit looked really adorable. The annoyed look added on to it made him look like a puppy dog who was woken up, then told no. Technically, he was a puppy dog who was woken up, then told no...

"Whatever. As I was saying, sorry, I know that we came in the middle of the night, but Annabeths mom is a bitch." Percy frowned, sitting up.

"What happened?" Thalia started to explain, but Percys eyes were on Annabeth only. She could tell he was worried, and she felt bad for leaping away. She hated that he could see every emotion on her face as Thalia spoke.

"Basically, her mom was going to take her out of New York in the morning without letting her say goodbye." That was the kicker. That broke her into tears. "Annabeth..."

Thalia put her arms around Annabeth and she closed her eyes, letting herself actually cry for the first time since her mom left. After a while, she slowly stopped crying, and heard Percy standing up. She opened her mouth to ask him to stay, but he gently cut her off.

"I still gotta call my mom... I'll be right back."

"Don't do something stupid, Perce." Thalia called still hugging Annabeth.

"Why'd you say that?" Annabeth sniffled.

"I know my cousin better than you think, Annie."


"I'm sorry, Percy." Annabeth whispered.

"Why?" He looked up from his phone at her, putting it down.

That was part of the reason she liked him, he put her phone down when she started talking without even being asked too. She couldn't help but smile.

"For waking you up." He chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, Wise Girl. As long as you're sure that you'll be okay, its fine." She smiled again, and he put one arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to his side.

She closed her eyes and yawned tiredly, perfectly content with falling asleep on Percy. After a bit, she felt herself being moved, and she whimpered, but was too tired to wake up.

Someone carried her, and soon she felt herself being laid down. As they pulled away, Annabeth looked over her shoulder, her voice quiet and tired. "Can you stay with me?"

"Yeah..." Percy whispered and walked back to the bed, closing the door and turning off the light as he went. Annabeth laid her head back down and smiled happily as the bed dipped beside her.

He laid down completely, his arms wrapping around her. Before she could fall asleep, Annabeth rolled over, hiding her face in his chest. He didnt have on a shirt, but she wasn't complaining. There was no way she would complain.

Annabeth fell asleep listening to Percys heartbeat, smiling and relaxed.


In the morning, Annabeth woke up with her head on Percys chest, with Percy on his back, and his arms around her waist. Annabeth looked up at him and smiled.

His black hair was messier than usual, his head turned to the side. His eyelashes, which were very long, cast shadows ovwr his cheeks, and he had fading dark circles under his eyes. He was also drooling. She was glad his head was turned away from her, because that way she didnt get drooled on like his pillow did.

She smiled and laid her head back on his chest, listening to his strong and steady heartbeat. Most mornings she woke to the sound of Thalia's punk rock music, but Annabeth liked it better quiet... She closed her eyes and drifted off back to sleep.

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