Dance With Me

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"That's the best you got?" Thalia scoffed.

Annabeth had grabbed a short, black, lace cocktail dress that ended mid thigh. It was cute, and Annabeth had gotten hit on any time she wore it, whether to a formal party, or a bar.

"What? Black is sexy."

"Not when every other girl who tries to impress him shows up in black." Thalia smirked. Annabeth frowned.

Girls were trying to impress him? Had it worked...?

"If you want him to recognize you..." Thalia rummaged through Annabeths clothes, and pulled out a short, bright blue dress with only lace from the top of her thighs down, the top like the black one Annabeth wore the day she met Percy, but with lace hanging from it. "Wear blue."

"What does it matter if I wear blue or black-"

"Blue is his favorite color. He'll notice you."

"We sound like teenage girls coming up with the best way to get the popular guys to notice us." Annabeth droned, and Thalia laughed.

"It might as well be, Annie! His diner is insanely popular, and so is he. Trust me... He's matured. Now, even I cant deny that he's good looking." Annabeth sighed and grabbed the dress.


She walked back to the bedroom and changed into the blue dress. It hugged her curves tightly, stopped just above her knees, and went surprisingly well with her new boots and a pair of tights a friend in San Francisco had given her. She'd only worn the dress once, and hated it by the end of the night because some many guys triedrandomly grabbing her ass.

She figured it would be worth it, though...

She walked out and Thalia smiled. "Perfect." She went behind Annabeth and put her hair up in a loose pony tail, loose tendrils of gold hair framing her face."Got your earrings?"

"Never go without them." Annabeth pukled a small baggie out of the side pocket of her suitcase and pulled out two silver owl earrings. Thalia put them on Annabeth and smiled.

"He's missed you so much, Annabeth. He's gonna be so happy to see you." Annabeth smiled. "Warning though, he's gotten a bit scruffy."


Thalia smirked. "You'll see."


When they go there, it was already crowded and stuffy. It definitely looked like a nifht club. Annabeth got nervous when Thalia pulled her to the front of the line, shoving people out of the way.

"Move it or lose it, retards. My cousin owns this joint. I'm VIP." She got to the front. "Come on, Charlie! You saw us earlier."

Annabeth saw Charles Beckendorf and wanted to giggle. He had always looked unconfortable under Thalias gaze. "Go on in..."

Thalia dragged Annabeth in, and immediately she saw Percy. He stood on a makeshift stage, with a microphone.

"I didnt know he could sing!" Annabeth laughed.

"What!?" Thalia smirked.

"Nevermind!" Annabeth felt lucky, considering they arrived near the end of Percys miniature concert.

He smiled when he stopped singing, and Annabeth knew what Thalia meant. He had a light stubble on his jaw, and it made him all that more attractive. Hell, now he was just flat out sexy. The smile made him that much more sexy.

He got off the stage and walked towards the back of rhe room, bombarded by several blonde giels in black dresses. Thalia wasn't joking.

"Percy! Percy, come here!" Thalia yelled. Percy lokked over and smiled.

"Hey, cuz!" Percy put his arm around Thalia in a hug.

"Percy, there's someone here you should see." Percy sighed.

"Don't start. You and Jason are the only ones of my family that aren't trying to get me over-" he cut off, his eyes meeting Annabeths. "Annabeth..."

"Hey, Seaweed Brain."

He moved forward the few steps and slammed his lips against hers. Annabeth froze for a second in shock, before she brought her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer, hands on her hips.

Annabeth broke away to Thalia literally cackling. "You two are adorable!"

She paid no attention to her sister, and neither did Percy. He smiled. "You came back... You actually came back."

"I told you I would, Seaweed Brain." He smirked and kissed her again.

"Took ya long enough, Wise Girl." He hummed against her lips. Annabeth giggled, hand resting on his jaw, feeling the a light stubble.

"You need a shave."

"Everyone's been saying that." He pulled away from her, still holding her to him with one arm. Thalia stood behind a group of blonde girls in black dresses, the girls who had been bugging Percy previously.

"Golden blonde." A bleach blonde girl whispered.

"Silver owl earrings..." A girl with huge, colorful owl earrings huffed.

"Grey eyes." One with almost black contacts whined.

"Silver ring with sea shells..." Five grumbled, each one taking a different kind of silver ring off their finger.

Annabeth raised her eyebrow at all the poorly immitated versions of herself. It was awkward.

Thalia stepped through the girls, grinning. "That's right, losers. Meet Annabeth Chase, my sister, my best friend, and Percy's girlfriend."

Neither Percy nor Annabeth argued about the use of the word 'girlfriend'. The other girls, though, did.

"I doubt it! Ive never seen her before!" One snapped.

"She's not hot enough to date him! I'm hotter than her!"

"No, you're not! She's too hot for him!" A third argued with the second.

"Well, I can agree on one thing." Percy shouted. "She's too good for me. But that doesn't mean I'm changing my mind."

Annabeth couldnt help it. The girls jaws dropped, and she burst into laughter. She was almost certain he was joking, but that didnt stop her from moving towards the girls.

"I dont know if any of you were ever in the Olympians Fighting Ring but I was. Stay away from my man, or you'll learn just how much damage this ring..." She held up her hand, where the ring Percy gave her shone. "Can do to a persons face."

They scattered, and Thalia laughed even harder. "You, Future Mrs Jackson, are terrifying?"

Annabeth laughed. Percy looked suddenly shy, "Thalia, what did you say...?"

"Future Mrs Jackson."

"I..." Percy coughed.

"Yo, Perce! I see you got yourself a new girl! Finally over that Annabeth chick?" Annabeth turned to see a guy with eyes like Percys show up, busty blonde girls on his arms, beer in his hand, shot glass in the other.

"Triton. Hi. Actually, this is Annabeth."

"You're telling me ass kicking Annabeth with blonde hair and a sexy smile is her?" Triton chuckled. "I totally see it, man, but there's no way thats her."

"Wanna try me?" Annabeth said, arms over her chest. She figured Triton was drunk enough to fall for her ploy. He smirked and gently pushed the two girls beside him away.

"Give it a go, sweet-" he never finished, instead, he got a face full of bronze and silver.

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