Stories, Stories, and more Stories

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"Still cant believe you skipped school. With Percy Jackson of all people!" Thalia smirked.

"Oh, shut up, Thals." Annabeth huffed, sitting on the couch in Thalias room upside down, legs hanging off the back, head dangling from the seat couchin. "I didn't want to deal with Luke and Drew again."

"You were out until dinner, Annie."

"We lost track of time." Annabeth took a bite out of a piece of freshly diced pineapple her dad had cut.

"For a whole day? What were you two doing?"

"Talking." Annabeth said calmly. "Maybe some kissing..."

"Oooh. I may not be a girly girl, and I may not seem into this, but spill." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"We went to the beach at Long Island, swam in the water, kissed, got out of the water. Then we talked."

"I doubt that was it. Dont make me get Piper over here to yank the details out of you."

"We talked about me and him, okay?" Annabeth laughed. "What to say if someone asked if we were together."

"And?" Annabeth shrugged. "Are you together?" Annabeth smiled and shrugged again. "Your not gonna tell me, are you?"




"Fine. I'll call Piper." Annabeth watched her adopted sister pull out her phone.

"She had sex with Jason." Annabeth said simply, dropping her head back into place and popping another piece of pineapple in her mouth eyes closed.

"EW!" Annabeth laughed as she heard Thalia's phone hit the brick fireplace with a loud crunch.

"Oh wait, no she didn't."

"You little bitch!"

Annabeth laughed and used her feet to keep Thalia from killing her. After 10 minutes, it went from a game of 'Kill Annie' to a game of foot war, with the girls on opposite sides of the couch, feet against the other persons, trying to see who would give up first.

After 20 minutes of that, Annabeth put a finger to her lips, and Thalia's laughter stopped short of Hyena yelps.

"What?" Thalia asked, and both of them got to their feet silently, listening. It was the middle of the night, and Athena had gone to a hotel for the night.

She and Fredrick had a huge fight when they found out that Annabeth hadn't gone to school. Athena accused Fredrick of not taking care of Annabeth the way a father should, and Fredrick yelled at her for leaving them to deal with her problems when she couldn't handle them with them.

The sound Annabeth heard should not have been hee mothers voice, but it was. Annabeth looked at Thalia, and they moved up the stairs silently.

Annabeth stopped before her head could be visible behind the railing. She watched as her mother yelled at her dad, throwing stuff in a bag. "She is coming with me, Fredrick. You said I left you two, and you foget you didnt want to leave."

"Because she had friends here. I was doing what was best for Annabeth! That's all ive ever been doing. For years after you left, I did everything I could to take care of her and deal with your debts. You left me and our daughter to deal with it, because you were scared. You think I wasn't scared? You think Annabeth wasn't scared? I didnt run away. I stayed, and I took care of her, until she somehow found out, and helped me. You don't deserve to take Annabeth from New York."

"I am her mother-"

"She has friends here. A life here, Athena. She likes a guy for the first time... You wanna take it all away from her, dont you?"

"She doesn't need to date someone. She needs to worry about school, not boys. School, not fighting. You know what she was doing when she wasnt at school yesterday? She was with him. Poseidon's son. The son of the man who wanted to hurt us."

"He wanted to hurt you. Not us."

Athena glared. Annabeth couldnt listen to it anymore. She turned, pressing her back to the wall under the rail, covering her mouth with her hand.

Thalia. Looked. Pissed.

"She is coming with me, Fredrick-"

"No." Thalia stoos up. Fredrick and Athena turned towards her, realizing someone heard them..

"Thalia, sweetheart, I thought you were asleep?" Fredrick sighed.

"No, I wasn't. And neither is Annabeth. Athena, you're not taking her anywhere." Athena raised an eyebrow.

"Says who?"

"Me. Fredrick. Piper. Jason. Percy." Athena flinched at Percys name, and her anger seemed to grow. "Leo. Calypso. Silena. Charles. Clarisse."

Annabeth turned to watch as Thalia rattled off the names of every friend Annabeth had, most of which she hadnt realized Thalia knew were her friends.

"Oh, and did I mention me, Piper, Jason, Fredrick, and Percy? Oh yeah, and me!" Athena huffed, rolling her eyes.

"You said your name three times."

"That's the point. You're not taking Annabeth anywhere. If you do, you're taking me. He adopted me when I was 16, I may have graduated already, but he's still my legal father, just like he is Annabeths. I am her sister, whether you like it or not. You take her, you take me, lady."

Annabeth sat there, frozen on the steps as her best friend and her mom had a glare-off. A long time passed before she coulsnt take it any more. She stood, causing her dad and mom to both look very shocked, before grabbing Thalia's arm and pulling her out of the house.

"Annabeth, wait!" Athena called, running after them. Annabeth got in her car and started the engine. Thalia got in beside her, and Annabeth peeled from the driveway, leaving Athena Chase coughing in a cloud of exhaust.

"I cant deal with this..." Annabeth muttrred, and Thalia looked around as the scenery passed, as they drove through traffic, and eventually emerged on a dirt road.

"Annabeth, where are we going?"

"The beach. Time for a midnight swim."

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