Terror Is That Boys Greatest Pleasure

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Her scream didn't attract as much attention as she expected. Luke groaned, falling to the floor as she shoved him. Annabeth crumpled, a hand on her neck, struggling to suck in a suitable breath.

She couldnt think, she couldn't breathe, everything was going black, all she could see was Kronos choking her... and Luke was getting up again. Annabeth curled into herself, trying to shield herself from him.

Then he vanished. He just disappeared, his feet vanishing from view. Annabeth felt fear coiling in her stomach, and terror rebuilt itself in her heart as a hand touched her arm. Annabeth started fighting, swinging and kicking at the person beside her.

"Annabeth! Annabeth, stop, its me! Its me!" The speaker managed to get Annabeth to look at them, and when she did, she broke down in tears. Percy pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her as she tried to regain her breath.

Annabeth kept her hand over her neck, blocking the bruise from sight. She was still terrified and panicking, but with Percy holding onto her, telling her it would be okay, that he wouldnt let Luke hurt her again, her fear began to slowly melt. She was still scared, but she felt safer with his arms around her.

"Its okay, Wise Girl." He kissed the top of her head. "I promise, it'll be okay."

"He... He grabbed my throat... I thought... I thought about what happened and I... I... I panicked... I couldn't breathe..." Percy held her tighter, and Annabeth closed her eyes. She still couldn't breathe...

She heard running footsteps, and then voices, most panicked, some confused, and a few annoyed. "Annabeth, I'm gonna drive you home, okay?"

"No, I... I have to get to class..." Annabeth whimpered. She pulled away from Percy, and looked around, seeing everyone she knew. She whimpered and stepped back, tripping over something. Percy caught her.

"Annabeth, you just had a panic attack. You need to go home."

"How do you know it was a panic attack?" She whispered.

"Because I've gone through them before. We just need to get you home." She nodded slowly, not really up for arguing. Percy helped her walk, and Annabeth saw, with a terrible sinking feeling, what she tripped on.

Luke was on the ground, beginning to get up. He looked murderous, his eyes locked on Percy. People were clearing away now, heading back to their classes. Percy didn't notice Luke as he started forward, but Annabeth did.

Just as Luke was about to punch Percy in the back to get his attention, Annabeth junped in the way, and got punched in the face. Pain exploded in her head, and she yelled, kicking Luke in the chest, sending him sprawling to the floor. She took a couple seconds to recover from the pain in her eye, before glaring at him with as much hatred as she could muater in her still panicked state of mind.

"You stay away from me! Don't you dare come near me again! Just give up, Luke, it'll never happen! Ever! If you lay a hand on me, ever again," her voice lowered dangerously, and she barely heard herself over the throbbing headache she procured. "I'll kill you."

She turned back to Percy, and rubbed her nose. The pain got worse and she put her hand down, but she saw something that immediately made her sick to her stomach. Blood. A lot of it... Dizziness plagued her instantly, and she fell towards the ground, although she didnt stay conscious long enough to see what happened next.


"Ow..." Annabeth whimpered as Percy held a washcloth to her nose. She'd woken up in his car, as he was getting her out. He had apparently talked to his mom, and she made him change their location plans. Now, they were in the back of Sally Jackson's candy shop, with Percy trying to play doctor, while sharing blue sour patch kids strips with Annabeth.

"Sorry." He sighed, putting the rag sown. "You know, you shouldn't have taken the punch for me."

"We talked about this already, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smiled. The bleeding had stopped, but Percy was taking no chances. He had a bowl full of ice packs in a portable cooler at his side, a warm wash cloth, a towel under her chin in case blood dripped, and he gave her a quarter. He tried explaining the point- pressing it to the roof of her mouth to apply pressure and stop the blood flow -but he did a poor job of it. There was a box fully stocked with tissues, and at least fifteen packages of sour patch kids sour strips on either side of Annabeth.

Every bite of the candy made her cringe out her sour face, and it always made him smile. He did the same, making sour faces that made Annabeth laugh. Then he would go back to Doctor Percy and press an ice pack to her bruising nose. It wasn't broken, although Percy repeatedly insisted otherwise, but it did hurt like a bitch.

Annabeth almost wished she hadn't taken the punch, but it was too late to go back now. Plus, she was getting candy.

"I don't care if we did, Annabeth." He sighed. His green eyes glowed as he watched her, admiration in his gorgeously colored eyes.

"Could we talk about something else?" Annabeth asked. She pulled the towel out of the blood zone and put it down. "Considering I'm done bleeding."

"How do you know more blood isn't coming?"

"Because I do, Percy." Annabeth whined.

"Fine..." He dropped the rag into the ice bucket, "At least use the ice pack."

"Okay." Annabeth smiled, laughing. She held the ice pack to her face. The blow had more hit her eye than her nose, so she had a black eye, as well as a bruised nose. Again, nothing was broken, so that was a relief.

"What do you wanna talk about?" He asked, his hands resting on her knees. She was wearing ripped jeans, so his finger tips brushed the tops of her thighs, setting her nerves on fire.

"What this is."

"What what is?" He looked confused.

Annabeth smirked, putting a hand on his chest before leaning forward and kissing him softly, pulling the ice pack from her face to meet his lips without an issue. He grinned like an idiot as she pulled away, making her giggle8. "What that is, you Seaweed Brain."

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