Not So Bad

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In Annabeths opinion, the day couldnt have been better, despite the new annoyance known as Perceous Jackson. Despite the fact that Drew found both of the new kids worthy of her 'charms'. The only reason Annabeth didn't dump the two of them on her, was because they (yes, both of them) literally begged her not too.

"Please, Annabeth, Please!" Jason said in an overly dramatic voice, hands together, on his knees, as if praying. Annabeths eyebrows shot up.

Drew had just walked away, and both boys were begging her to let them stay with her. Jason looked like he was praying to a goddess, and Percy had his hands together, pouting. Annabeth was shocked, positively shocked. Well, not so much by Jason, he and Piper had hit it off during home period. Percy was the big shocker.

He'd seemed so taken by Drew until she walked away. Either he was a Grade-A asshole, or a Grade-A actor.

Annabeth sighed, meeting both of their eyes desperately. "Fine. But seriously, get off the ground, Jason. You dont know what people have been doing on this floor."

Jason got to his feet in seconds, wiping frantically at his jeans. Annabeth laughed and turned away, without looking at Percy. She felt his eyes on her back, but she didnt care. "I dont know about you two, but I'm starving, and there is always competition for my table."

Annabeth started walking, the boys behind her. They passed through the halls, and people drifted aside, confusing Annabeth. She wasn't any different, she wasn't acting more confident. Was it the fact that there were two very rich, surprisingly handsome, surprisingly muscular boys on either side of her?

Yes, she decided. That's gotta be the reason.

Sighing, Annabeth turned into the cafeteria, and was immediately shoved out of the way by a group of cheer leaders, all of them fauning over Percy and Jason. Jason looked panicked, and he was struggling to get away, begging with his eyes for Annabeth to save him. Percy looked perfectly at home in the midst of the girls. Annabeth sighed, and grabbed Jason by his sleeve, taking pity on him.

She pulled him free of the swarm, not without having to kick a couple people, and pushed him towards her table, where Piper was waiting, laughing her ass off. When they got to the table, Jason sighed in relief. "Thank you, Annabeth... What about Percy?"

"He can save himself. He looks right at home over there." Annabeth scoffed as she sat down. "Plus, I thought you hated each other."

"No, just a cousin rivalry. Our Dads are brothers." Annabeth nodded, but she was barely listening. Percys dad was Poseidon, the guy who had constantly sent people to hurt her father. If Jason's dad was Poseidon brother, which could mean two different people, then they might have problems.

Hades, Zues, and Poseidon. They were the 'Big Three' in the business world, and were well known to everyone in New York. Everyone. Especially Annabeth. She had a vendetta against Poseidon, and a personal goal to make him regret crossing her father.

"Jeez, Annabeth. I didn't know you were strong enough to squash an apple with your bare hand!" Piper laughed.

Annabeth frowned. "What do you-" SQUISH. "Oh..."

She winced as the juice from the apple splattered her and her best friend's face. Jason looked bewildered. "I've only seen one other person do that, and it took him half an hour to break it."

"Who?" Piper asked, smiling at Jason.

Jason looked very taken aback by the beautiful girls curiosity, and he stuttered out a response. "Uh... Um, uh... P-Percy... He's only done it once, though, and he swore he wouldn't do it... Again..."

"Okay, Jason, stop staring and stuttering. Yes, Pipes is gorgeous, we already know this. Why don't I believe you about Percy?" Jason looked at her, and opened his mouth to respond, but Percy himself plopped down beside Annabeth.

She grit her teeth, and the already cruahed apple crunched in her palm. "Uh... Bad timing?"

"You bet, Seaweed Brain, don't sit next to me." Annabeth sighed.

"Too late, I'm comfy."

"Move it, or I kick your ass." She growled. The apple oozed juice, and Percy smirked. She didnt mean to let him get to her, but he was so irritating.


She punched him.


"I only punched him once... I'm sorry, dad! He was driving me nuts! I wasnt thinking..." Annabeth sighed, sitting in Thalia's borrowed car in the schools parking lot after school. "I know... I'll be home soon. I love you."

She hung up, dropping her head onto the steering wheel. The horn blared loudly, and she winced, pulling her head up. As she did, the car door opened. Annabeth turned to look at the person as they sat in the seat, expecting Thalia. She froze, wanting to throw another punch, but she restrained herself, and apologized instead.

"Percy... Look, I'm sorry that-"

"Don't worry about it." He smiled. Annabeth raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I was being an ass, and I deserved it. Plus, it gave me warning to not underestimate you in the ring."

Annabeth sighed. "Well, guess I don't have to apologize. Wait, I thought you left with Jason?"

"Nope. The loser ditched me for that friend of yours." Annabeth smiled, nodding her head to restrain her laughter.

"She has that effect on guys."

"Not me!" Percy said proudly.

"Whatever. I'm guessing you want a ride, or are you here just to make me get home late?"

"Well, considering my apartment is halfway across the city, I have no money, and I seriously doubt one of the football players, or basketball players will give me a ride..." He brought out a pout, and big puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeeeeasseeeeeee?"

Annabeth smiled a tiny bit more. "Fine. But this is a one time thing. We have a fight against one another in two days, If we become anything less than opponents begore then, I won't go easy on you."

"Oh, dont hold back, Wise Girl. If that punch was a warning, I wanna see what you can really do." Annabeth huffed. This guy was quite literally asking to have his ass kicked.

Was a broken nose not enough for him?

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