Black Out Week

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((So, I haven't done any commentary yet... And i'm gonna fix that, because I LOVE to add commentary... IDk why... But I wanna dedicate this chap to someone who reads, someone who surprised me, and someone who has a freaking awesome story on her page, called Mute Surprises. I just finished the most recent chapter, and boy oh boy was it funny! Idk why i'm so weird, I just am. Y'all love me. Anyways, I'd like to mention @hurriixane !!!! She made me a cover for this very story, without being asked, without me expecting it, and i am legit loving it SO much! The cover is updated, and it should be up above!))

After Annabeth woke up, and kissed Percy, her mom and dad walked in, and Athena unceremoniously kicked Percy out. Annabeth couldn't even do anything, because she'd fallen asleep shortly after her and Percy had stopped kissing. When she woke up and was completely alone, without her mother, her father, or Percy in the room, she'd begun to panic. Nurses rushed in and sedated her. Not long after that, it seemed, Annabeth woke again to see Thalia furiously talking to someone on the phone.

The person she yelled at, was actually Athena.

"Thalia..." Annabeth croaked, pain coursing through her swollen throat.

Thalia hung up and looked at Annabeth. "Hey, how you feeling?"

"Confused... Where's Percy...? Who were you yelling at?" Annabeth asked, pressing the button on the controller, making the hospital bed move so she was sitting.

"Your mom."

"You yelled at my mom! And you're not dead!?" Thalia smiled.

"Yeah well, thanks to her, Percy is miserable." Annabeth started to laugh, and then realized what Thalia said.

"What do you mean he's miserable? He was here not that long ago..."

"Annabeth, the first time you woke up... Was 7 days ago." Annabeth frowned.

"A whole week ago?"

Thalia nodded. "Yeah... Your mom came in with your dad, and they started fighting about Percy being there. He tried being civil, and your mom had security drag him out, and made them promise to keep him from coming back in, whether you said otherwise or not. I was there, it was actually really sweet before he left. Your mom said he had to leave, and he didn't fight. He kissed you on the forehead, and left when the security showed up. It was really cute, and you know how much I hate moments like that." Annabeth smiled. "But seriously, your mom is a bitch. He's not allowed to come near you in the hospital again."

"Why?" Annabeth started coughing.

"Because he's Poseidon's kid. She blames him for you fighting Kronos, you nearly dying. When she saw him catch you in the ring as you collapsed, she went total bat shit crazy. She and Poseidon started fighting, and then your dad stepped in... It's a long story."

Annabeth whimpered, coughing again. "I want out of here."

"They took the brace off, the bruising is already almost all gone. I'm sure we can get you checked out." Thalia nodded, "I'll go get Jason and Piper. They're waiting outside."

Annabeth nodded, and Thalia left. Jason and Piper entered minutes later. Piper let out a squeal and attacked Annabeth with a hug. Annabeth laughed a little, and broke into a cough. Piper whimpered and pulled away. "I'm sorry!" 

"It... It's okay!" Annabeth coughed, "It's not as bad as before."

"I got you some water." Jason said, handing Annabeth a cup. She took it, and slowly tilted her head to the side. It didn't hurt. She took a drink, and recoiled.

"THAT'S NOT WATER!" Annabeth said loudly, eyes wide. Her throat felt better, the carbonation clearing whatever was causing her throat to be sore. It was like a mini massage in drink form.

Jason burst out laughing. "Sorry... Blame Thalia... She dared me to give you sprite instead."

"Another reason for me to beat her ass the next time we train." Annabeth laughed. Her throat no longer hurt, and her voice wasn't a sandpaper rasp. The soda had really helped, even if it was meant as a prank.

"You're not training for a while, Annabeth. Doctors orders. Be glade you're not in jail."

"Why? It's not illegal. I made sure of it before joining, Jason."

"Oh." Piper smiled.

Annabeth took another sip of the soda, and she stretches before noticing something about her friends. Piper was leaning against Jason, smiling up at him. "Hey, Jason, could you get me some more soda?"

He looks over and nods. "Uh, yeah. Sure." Jason walked over and took the cup before walking out of the room. Annabeth smirks at Piper after he left.

"What did I miss, Pipes?" Piper's eyes got wide, and she giggled uncomfortably.

"Well... A lot..."

"Did you kiss?"

"A lot."

"Did you do a lot more than kissing?" Piper smiled sheepishly, "OH MY GODS! PIPER MCLEAN DID YOU HAVE-"

"Shut up!" Piper laughed, covering Annabeth's mouth. Annabeth smirked teasingly and licked Piper's hand. "Ew!"

"Did you, though?"

"No. We went on a date, we saw a movie, we cuddled, we kissed, we made out, but we did not have sex."

"Mhmm..." Annabeth teased. 

"Shut up."


Piper sighed and Jason came back in, with perfect timing. "Here."

"Thanks. Thalia said something about Percy... Is he okay?" Annabeth asked, takign a drink of the soda.

"Yeah, physically he's fine." Jason nodded, leaning against the wall.

"Emotionally, he's a train wreck." Piper sighed, giving a sad smile. That was understandable. Being blamed for Annabeth being in the hospital had to be a bit of a blow...

"He'll be at school tomorrow, though, so... You can see him then." Jason smiled. He pushed the pair of glasses he apparently neglected to wear up his nose, and ran a hand through his hair. "He's thinking of quitting, by the way."

"Quitting? Quitting what?" Annabeth frowned.

"Fighting. His mom wants him to be smart and careful about it if he does keep doing it, but after what happened to you, he's worried that he might get into a fight like that where no one is willing to take his place. Plus, this community is the only one that allows someone to be replaced like that in a fight."

Annabeth frowned and looked down at her cup. He wanted to quit because of her... Fighting had been her way of helping her dad all her life... What had it been for Percy? What if he stopped fighting? What would happen to him and his mother? Annabeth suddenly wished her mother hadn't come back. Hadn't shown up at the fight, hadn't made Percy leave. She suddenly wished her mother's protective custody was still needed.

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