The Kick Out Days Aren't Over, They're Just Beginning

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Annabeth didn't know why she did it. She just couldn't stop... Without trying, he taunted her, made her want to kiss him, made her want to never let go. She wanted to hate him for it, but she didn't.

Percy pressed her closer to him, then pressed her back against the wall of the bathroom. The door swung closed silently, neither of them noticing the change. Annabeth pulled on his hair lightly, her fingers tangling in the soft black strands. He groaned softly and tilted his head, deepening the kiss.

Annabeth's breaths had picked up, and hwr heart rate had skyrocketed. She could feel Percys heart pounding against her fingertips, her hand on his chest.

Before she knew it, Percy was picking her up. Annabeth wrapped her legs around his waist instinctively, clinging to him. They kept kissing, her back against the wall, his hands on her thighs, holding Annabeth up. Annabeth realized that in the books she read, when they said that people broke apart for air during a kiss... Wasnt true. She was glad. Annabeth didnt think that she would have the courage to kiss him again if they broke apart.

She gasped as she felt his tongue against her lips, and that jerked her out of her lack of thinking. She didn't stop, but she was more conscious of what was happening, although the more he kissed her, the more ahe wanted to sink back into not caring. She didn't.

Instead, she opened her mouth just enough, and she felt a soft groan vibrate against her chest. She smiled and pulled on his hair again, making him hold onto her tighter.

If she had been sunk into her space of not caring, she wouldnt have noticed the bathroom door swing open, or heard the sound of Piper's muffled squeal. Annabeths eyes flew open, and she regretfully pulled away from Percy's lips, causing herslef to drop to the ground. She pushed Percy away and looked  Piper and the other two people behind her. Piper had a huge grin on her face, while Jason looked alarmed, looking at Percy with an emotion close too 'what the fuck is wrong with you!?'. Hazel was hiding behind Piper, blushing.

Annabeth was frozen in place, staring at Percy. "Well..." He said softly, scratching the back of his neck shyly. "This is awkward..."

Annabeth tuened and ran out of the bathroom, past Piper, Hazel, and Jason and to her room, slamming the door and locking it. Shw scrambled for her phone and called Thalia.

"Ugh... I'm only three floors away, Annabeth. Do you have to call?" She sounded tired, and very annoyed.

"Thalia, we have an issue." Annabeth whispered, hugging her knees to her chest. The worat of it was that she was still wearing the same clorhes she had been wearing when she picked up Piper. She felt every little movement of his fingers ons her legs, the touch having sent sparks crackling through her system, numbing her.

"What is it?" Thalia sounded awake now.

"We kissed. Big time kissed. Lip on lip, in the bathroom..."

"Tounge?" Annabeth wanted to groan.


"Was it good?"

"Does it matter!? Thalia, you gave him our address, you make him leave."

"Fine, I will. But you gotta answer my question first."

"The kiss was amazing, okay?"

"Then why do you want him to leave?"

"Because it was amazing. Thalia, I have to fight him in less than 15 hours. I... I can't..."

"Okay, I get it. Ill get him to leave." Thalia hung up, and Annabeth heaved a sigh of relief.

Her heart was still racing, and the skin on her legs tingles, remembering the feeling of his hands touching her. Annabeth closed her eyes, touching her lips. They were numb, a little swollen... Annabeth put her hand down and hugged her knees to her chest, tears in her eyes.

She might've started crying had Piper not spoken through the door. "Annabeth, are you okay?"


"Can we come in? Its just me and Hazel."

"Yeah, give me a second..." Annabeth got to her feet, sniffling and wiping her eyes in case she had started to cry.

She unlocked and opened the door, looking at her best friend, who immediately enveloped her in a hug. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Long story..." Annabeth whimpered. She felt Hazel join in on the hug and sighed softly, closing her eyes.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Piper said, pulling away. Hazel helped Annabeth sit on her bed.

"No... Far from it..."

"Why are you crying then?" Hazel frowned. She sat behind Annabeth, and started braiding Annabeths long blonde hair. Annabeth had let it slip that people messing with her hair calmed her down if she was in a bad mood, but it was coming into good use.

"Promise not to run away?" Annabeth said, trying for a laugh, but it came out as a whimper.

"Annabeth, I just saw you kissing Percy Jackson, my cousin, like your life depended on it." Hazel said, "I'm not leaving."

She smiled as Piper agreed. "I'm a street fighter... Hard to believe, I know."

"Not really." Piper shrugged. Annabeth raised an eyebrow and Piper smirks. "I'm not stupid. Or blind, I saw the bruise."

Annabeth sighed. "Sorry... Well, Percy is too. And we have to fight each other. Tonight... Can you guess why I'm a little uncertain with kissing him?"

"Yeah. If you get feelings for him and end up not wanting to hurt him..." Hazel said.

"If I dont kick his ass, I lose everything. The only reason Poseidon, who is Percys father, might I add, hasn't sent people at my dad again is me."

"And if Percy gets feelings for you, and Poseidon finds out..." Piper trailed off, and Hazel gasped.

They hugged Annabeth again. Annabeth heard Percys voice downstairs, arguing with Thalia. "Ill be right back."

She got off the bed and went downstairs. Percy aaw her and sighed in relief, moving forward. "Don't... Percy you should go. Get sleep. You said it yourself. We have school."

"Annabeth-" She cut him off

"You shouldn't have kissed me..." She said, her face steely, cold. She wouldnt let the fact that she didnt want to say it show. She couldn't let it show.

"You kissed me back!"

"It shouldn't have happened at all. You need to leave!" Percy looked like a kicked puppy, but he huffed and whirled around, grabbing Jason by his arm.

"Come on."

"But I wanna say bye to Piper-"

"Fine, but just so you know... It isnt worth it, Jason. They aren't worth it." And he was gone. 

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