Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

"No West, listen-" Said Gilbert trying to talk on the phone with younger brother.

Right now it was six o'clock in the morning on a Saturday and you probably wouldn't be able to sleep in. Why?

Because that's how loud Ludwig's screaming on the phone was.

"West, just calm down and let me speak please. I'm trying to make Roddy's coffee and you know how he gets without coffee."


"You can start by stop trying to make me deaf and actually tell me what in the hell happened."


"Ludwig, I'm positive you just woke up Japan with your yelling. Calm down before I come over and make you."

That made Ludwig calm down fast. As Gilbert's younger brother, he knew that his threats aren't ones to take lightly. Or Roderich's for that matter, he learned that the hard way.

"Good, now what happened that you are so pissed about?"

"Switzerland canceled his attendance to the meeting last second. What made me so angry was the fact its so unlike him to cancel like this." Said Ludwig.

"Roddy's going to happy then. He can't stand Vasch half the time."


"Ow! Stop yelling. I'll be deaf before I even get over there for the mee- OH FUCK!"

"What happened Bruder?"

"I just dumped a crap ton of salt instead for sugar in Roddy's coffee. Like he needs any more salt."

"What do you mean 'more salt'????"

"It's another way to say 'sarcastic'. Ask Alfred."

"Well what are you going to do then Bruder?"

Then Gilbert got what would be his best/stupidest idea ever. He was going to leave the coffee as it was and see how long Roderich would notice the salt and if he can drink past the first sip.

"I'm going to call you back Ludwig."

"Okay Bruder. Don't do anything stu-." Gilbert hanged up on Ludwig before he could finish his sentence.

Just as he hanged up the phone, Roderich came into the kitchen and grabbed his coffee half asleep still.

"Morning Roddy~" Gilbert said as innocently as possible.

"Mmh." Said Roderich. As he was always a man of few words in the morning.

Gilbert was trying his hardest not to bust out laughing and in tears of joy as he watched his plan slowly unfold. But before Gilbert could get so much as a chuckle out, Roderich downed the whole 16.oz cup in one go. No reaction whatsoever.

"Huh?" Said Gilbert. Confused on how in the hell Roderich downed the whole thing of coffee with salt.

"If you were trying to get a reaction out of me, then wear something 'cute'."

Gilbert turned slightly red because he knew with Roddy 'cute' meant kinky. But now wasn't the time for those thoughts.

"How did you drink the whole thing?! I put like 3 tablespoons of salt in that cup?!"

Before Gilbert could blink, he was pinned to the nearest wall with Roderich hovering over him. It was moments like this he cursed Roderich being taller than him.

"Because I'm your alpha and what kind of alpha would I be if I showed any kind of weakness."

Gilbert face got even redder and slightly turned on. Roderich knew his weaknesses and kinks.

"S-stop that Roddy...."

"Stop what?" Roderich feigned ignorance as he leaned in closer to Gilbert's neck.

"But its the alpha's job to spoil their mates. To spoil their omega's. Right."

Roderich then started to suck on the weak spot on Gilbert's neck

They ended up a full 2 hours late for the meeting. Germany normally would have yelled and lectured them but when he saw the smirk on Austria's face and the limp his brother had, he decided he valued his sanity and kept quiet.

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