Chapter 2

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(This is when Gilbert confessed his feelings)

Third P.O.V.

It was a quiet rainy night. Nothing too bad of weather but you still wouldn't want to be out in this weather.

It was currently 1 in the morning and if you were awake then it a better be a good reason why.

That was Roderich was thinking as he stood in front of his open front door with a soaking wet Gilbert on the opposite side.

"Gilbert, its fucking 1am. What are you doing here? And soaking wet no less."

Roderich was not in exactly the best mood, he never was when waking up or being woken up.

"West got drunk and started acting weird. Can I stay the night?"

If it was anyone else standing outside his door, Roderich would have said no and slammed the door. But he always had a soft spot of Gilbert. Whether he admitted or not.

"Fine. Just don't wake me up again until morning."

"Thanks Austria! Your a lifesaver!" Gilbert said with a smile that Roderich knew was fake. Gilbert hasn't truly smiled for years now.

"I'll get you some towels and some spare clothes. Don't need you getting sick now." Roderich said.

"Hmm...Oh yeah I forgot for a second I'm soaked from the rain. Thanks Aus-." But before Gilbert could finish his sentence, Roderich had already left to get him clothes and a towel.

-A few minutes later-

"I couldn't find anything in your size so they might be a little big on yo-." Roderich had to bite his tongue. When he came back, Gilbert was in the middle of taking his shirt off and his face screamed 'submissive'.

Roderich mentally slapped himself 'No Roderich. After what he has been through, a relationship is the last thing he wants.'

"Oh its fine Austria. I actually like my sleepwear bigger, its more comfortable." Said Gilbert.

"A-Alright then. Here." Austria handed him the towel and clothes. "You know where the rooms are." And then Roderich left to his to sleep.

"Oh Austria wait." Gilbert called out.

"Hmmh?" Roderich hummed so Gilbert knew he heard him.

"Can I call you Roderich...?" Gilbert asked with a slightly fading voice, as if he was scared to even ask.

"Of course, honestly, I prefer if you called me Roddy again." Roderich said. Then Roderich left for his room, not seeing the surprised look on Gilbert's face.

-3 in the morning-

"Aus-Roddy? Are you asleep?" Gilbert asked as he carefully entered Roderich's room.


There wasn't a reply. So Gilbert knew he was asleep. He couldn't fall asleep and since Roderich was ,he took this a chance.

He got closer and closer until he sat on the bed, knees folded under him.

"I actually don't know what I would have done if you were still awake. But I know you like the sleep you actually get...kesese.." Gilbert then started saying things to Roderich he wouldn't have admitted if he was still awake.

"Kesese...Look at me. I'm here in your house at night, in your clothes that are big on me, in your bed that is covered in your scent...and I almost couldn't ask you if I could call you by your name again. I'm pathetic. I love you so much it hurts but I'm too scared to admit it....But can anyone blame me? The last 'relationship' I was in hurt me, more ways than one....I want to be yours but I'm so scared. Scared I'll lose you or something worse."

The more Gilbert continued, the more the tears became harder to fight back.

"Everyone acts like what I went through never happened. Like I dreamt it all up. No one sees the fake smile I wear. No one sees the physical scars I have on my body now. No one sees through the act I put on. No one sees the pain I'm in. The pain I'm still suffering from."

At this point Gilbert was crying.

"I feel like I'm going one treats me the same anymore. I love you Roderich. I love you. I love you. But I think I'm better off de-"

Before Gilbert could even finish what he was about to say, Roderich pinned him underneath him and kissed him roughly on the lips.

They parted when they needed air and with a string of salvia still connecting them. When Gilbert caught his breath, he swore he had never seen Roderich look so angry yet heartbroken at the same time.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Don't you dare say you are better off dead. I see the pain you are in. I see the scars you hide, the smile you fake, the act you put on...I see it all! And I want nothing more than to take the pain away."

Roderich laid his head on Gilbert's chest to avoid him from seeing the tears threatening to spill.

"I have loved you for as long as a can remember. I wanted to protect you. To hold you. To be there for you. But 'He' took you away from me. And when I finally get you back, I see the damage that was done. How badly Ivan had broken you. It killed me. More than anything. More than when I lost Italy, more than when my legs were paralyzed. And I couldn't do anything to help you...."

"R-Roddy..." Gilbert said. He has never seen Roderich like this. Not even when he divorced Hungary.

"I miss your smile. Your actual smile. I miss your laugh. I miss you being happy."

"I feel like I forgot what being happy was..." Said Gilbert.

And that right there broke Roderich. Something in him snapped and before he knew it, his true form came out. The room became enveloped in a bright light for a few seconds and what Gilbert saw next shocked him. Roderich had giant red bat wings, long black horns, his violet eyes turned into a golden yellow and ocean blue, he had a spiked surgeon like mask on his face but it was off to show the sharp teeth he now had, and his sclera's were now black and red instead of white.


"Then let me be the one to bring those feelings back! Let me the one to love you. To protect you. To hold you. Let me be the lover you need and deserve. Let me make you mine. I need you. You are the one keeping this away. The one keeping this form at bay. You keep me from becoming the monster I know I am. You keep me sane."

Gilbert felt overwhelmed with different emotions he swore he forgotten how to feel. But for once he felt loved. He used what strength he had left from crying to change positions so he was sitting on Roderich's lap.

"Gil-" Before Roderich spoke, Gilbert sealed his lips with his in a soft but scared kiss. It ended just as fast as it started.

"I want that. I want this. I want you Roddy. But I'm terrified."

Roderich brought his face closer to nuzzle Gilbert's neck.

"Don't be, my edelweiss. No one will touch you or hurt you again. Not while I still live and breathe. Please let me the one to truly love you...That's all I"

Gilbert felt the tears coming again.

"And no more tears my edelweiss. Seeing you cry is painful."

"I can't help it Roddy. I haven't felt like this in a long time."

Roderich gave Gilbert a soft peck on his lips full of love and affection.

"And I won't let you feel anything like you did before again. Ever."

-The next morning-

Gilbert woke up sore and covered in bite marks but he was happy. He felt loved. And he knew his lover was never ever going to let him go again, or let anyone hurt him.

He knew he wouldn't never feel like dying or broken ever again. 

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