Chapter 10

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(Prussia being held hostage by mafia)

"Soooo, um boss?" A random mafia said to his boss.

"What?" The mafia boss said rather annoyed like.

"What are you going to do now that we got him hostage."

"Wait for the money of course." The boss said while looking at there hostage. Which was Prussia.

As for Prussia. At first he was scared when they kidnapped him at first, after they finally got close enough after Prussia took down 60% of the men, he thought that a nation that hated him finally snapped and decided to kidnap him for their own personal pleasure. But now he was beyond bored. It was just a third rate mafia group that Romano would laugh at.

"So lets get a good look at this." Prussia heard one of them say as they removed the blindfold and gag.

"Why look at you. Such a rarity." The Boss said, reaching his hand out to touch Prussia.

But Prussia managed to get his leg free and kick the guy in the stomach.

"Fuck off." Gilbert said. "You guys are so dead."

The boss regained balance and punched Gilbert in the face, making him bleed a little. The punch then turned into a kick into the gut.

"Why you little....What are you talking about? Do you want to be used for pleasure." Said the boss.

"ah...ah...Do you really think it would be that easy to get me? Its funny how you think so." Prussia said in his usual 'fuck all' voice.

"Really now. In that case if its so funny then you wouldn't mind if we had a little fun with yo-"

The boss was cut off by the communicator in his going off. He answered it with an obvious anger.

"WHAT?!" The boss screamed into the communicator. "Can't you do your job!"

"B-Boss! Its bad! Really bad!" The voice said in a panic on the other end. You could hear screaming, bloodshed, and firepower on the other end as well. "T-That thing isn't human! Its a monster! MONSTER! Wait...No please spar-"

The voice was cut off by a bloodcurdling scream.

"Hey come in! You hear me!" The boss demanded trying to get in touch. But there was nothing but static. All of a sudden it was quiet. Too quiet, The boss turned back to Gilbert and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "YOU! What is the meaning of all this?! What is out there?!"

Prussia laughed. "Kesesesese! You really are stupid." Prussia now had a expression that made the boss and what men he had left fear for their lives. They had never seen a expression so psychotic and twisted.

"Did you really think if some how you survived against me that you wouldn't face Roddy? Kesesesese! Little newsflash for you...."

There was a loud bang at the door. It was sealed shut tight but it wasn't going to last.

"Roddy just hates it..."

Another bang.

"When people touch let alone hurt..."

Another one. The boss was actually panicking now. Along with his men.

"His beloved edelweiss."

And the door went flying. Literally. When the boss and his men turned around, they saw Austria. Covered in blood, pure anger and bloodlust in his eyes, and not looking human in the slightest.

"Roddy~" Gilbert called out like it was a normal day.

When Roderich saw the damage that was done, somehow his 'demon' form got worse.

"How dare you touch him...." Roderich's voice was practically oozing rage.

The boss and men all took out there weapons but they were too slow. The second they drew their weapons, the was a gray gleam. Austria had unsheathed his blood covered sword.

"W-Wha..." That was the last thing the boss and men could get out before their throats were silted and head were severed.

Roderich walked over to Gilbert untied him and gave him a kiss. Which Gilbert happily returned. When they parted Roderich apologized.

"Sorry for being late. I still wasn't fast enough to stop them from hurting you." Roderich then started leaving kisses on Gilbert's neck.

"You weren't late Roddy, I just agitated them a little." Gilbert said while holding Roderich close to him. Gilbert lifted Roderich's head from his neck to make eye contact.

Roderich horns somehow grew longer, same for his fangs, and his eyes became a darker yellow and blue.

"Kesese..." Gilbert kissed him gently. "I love you so much."

"I love you too my edelweiss."

Roderich then picked up his beloved bridal style and took him back home. On the way back Gilbert asked him something.

"When we get home, can we have some fun? You know I love it when you get protective over me. "

"Oh trust me, when we get home, I'll make sure you can't walk for a week." Roderich purred out.

And Gilbert smiled. Because Roderich was the only one that could make him feel like this.

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