Chapter 6

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(2p time)

Third Person P.O.V.

'Come to the world meeting they said, it will be normal they said.' Is what Roland was currently thinking as pure Chaos broke loose.

Luciano was holding his brother back from clawing Allen's eyes out, Vlad was in the middle of arguing  with Oliver, Louis, Xiao, and Lutz, Matt was in a fight with Kuro, and who knows what the Nordics and the others were up to.

If Roland was being honest, then he really didn't want to be here. He hated half the people in this room. The only ones in here he was comfortable with were Gilen, Luciano, Flavio, and Andres. He could care less about the others. If anything when Roland saw Gilen he automatically wanted to go home.

Roland was in love with Gilen. And who could blame him. Gilen was kind, caring, quiet, calm, yet dangerous when he wanted to be. To Roland, Gilen was like a bloodrose. And he wanted that bloodrose for himself. There was one problem though, Gilen is dating Oliver. For reasons Roland couldn't comprehend.

It was because of this that Roland's love for Gilen became one-sided. And in turn, getting that illness from Kuro's folklore. He couldn't remember the name, all he knew was it caused him to almost constantly cough up rose petals and blood. It was torture but nothing Roland couldn't handle.

Roland decided he had enough of this headache and decided to leave.

"Oi, where are you going." Luciano more or less demanded than ask.

"Away from half of you nutjobs." Roland said. Though he wasn't exactly one hundred percent sane either.

He left before anyone could say anything and no one bother to follow him. Why would they, he was probably the most insane out of them in that room. He made his way to the exit, wanting to leave and go home and die. It seemed like the more he stayed near Gilen, the more the pain increased.

He was almost out, when a hand grabbed his arm. When he turned around to see who, it was the very person he was avoiding.

"I understand why you want to leave but why have you been avoiding me?" Gilen asked in a tone that Roland wanted to hug him and never let him go.

"I haven't been avoiding you." Roland lied.

"Yes, you have. Why?" Gilen was concerned about this. Roland just one day started to avoid him and he didn't know why. "Did I do something? Did I upset you in someway? Do you.....hate me now, is that it?"

Before Gilen could confirm his suspicions, Roland pinned him to the wall.

"I could never hate you. So don't say let alone think that. I care about you so much that it hurts." Roland said. The pain became too much at the moment and he coughed up the red rose petals and his own blood once again.

Only this time he couldn't hide it from Gilen.

"ROLAND?! Are you okay?! Why are you coughing up blood and rose petals?! What happened?!" Gilen was panicking now. Roland wasn't the type to get hurt or catch an illness for that matter. Seeing this, Gilen was starting to think the worse outcome possible. Gilen eyes suddenly went dull and his skin became more pale. "Is this because you gave up your land for me.....Are you that it...." Gilen could barely speak, he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He knew Roland would be effected by him giving his land up for Gilen but he wasn't ready to lose him yet.

Roland punched the wall behind Gilen, easily startling him, and leaned in closer and let his inner demon form come to light. Gilen was in shocked as he watched as Roland slowly transform, as he saw the horns, wings, fangs, and eyes Roland tried so hard to hide.

"This isn't happening beacuse I finally decided to throw in the towel. I'm not going anywhere. This is happening because......" Roland raised his head to make eye contact with Gilen. "This is happening beacuse I can't have you!" Roland screamed.

"Why can't I have you?! What do I have to do for you to love me?! I love you so much that it physically hurts me! I want you so much! But I can't have you! Why.....WHY?! What does Oliver have that I don't?!" Roland couldn't take the pain anymore. He wasn't crying, he never cried, but he felt like it. "Why can't you love me......" Roland fell to his knees. His legs finally gave out on him, that was the main effect from giving his land up to Gilen, his legs weren't like they used to be. "Why can't I have you....? Do I not deserve to be happy? Is that it? Is it because I'm a monster?"

Gilen dropped to his knees and hugged Roland tightly. "Why do you keep your feelings locked up Roland?" This time, Gilen would be the one to comfort Roland. He knew Roland's heart was strong yet more fragile than the his heart. "You think after everything you did to me and to help me, I wouldn't love you?"

Now Roland looked at Gilen with shock.

"Rolo...You are not the monster you think you are." Gilen said with love in his eyes.

"Look at me Gilen, how am I not a monster? Do the other nations look like how I do right now?" Roland was referring to the bat wings on his back, the sharp fangs the peeked out through his lips, the long horns that curled at the end of his head, the black scarleas he had, his one red and one purple eyes, he looked like a monster.

"Beacuse you are you. If you were a monster, then you would have helped me, you wouldn't have raised Luciano, you wouldn't have helped Andres raise Flavio. If you were a monster truly, you wouldn't be able to able to love me."

Gilen leaned down and kissed Roland on the lips. "And I don't see a monster, I see a man who just wants to be happy and protect the few people he cares about and loves." Gilen said when he parted his lips from Roland's. "I love you Roland Edelstein. I've always have." Gilen said with a smile Roland hadn't seen in years, a true smile.

Roland then felt the pain vanish. The pain from the one-sided love illness was gone.

"And I was never dating Oliver. He is just being delusional again." Gilen stated.

And at moment, Roland stopped holding back. He pulled Gilen into his lap and kissed him fully on the lips, not wasting to time to stick his tongue down Gilen's throat.

"Mmmphh.....Ah....Rolo..."Gilen could barely breathe. It didn't help that Roland's claws were digging into the side of his waist.

"If you want me to stop then think again." Roland said when he finally pulled away from Gilen's soft lips. "I waited too long to have you. And now that I have you now..." Roland hands went to Gilen's thighs. He knew they were sensitive.

"I'm never letting go. I'm going to mark you. Both your body and heart, I'll make sure you wouldn't want to love anyone more than you love me. Your mine"

Gilen could admit one thing before his mind went blank from the pleasure of having Roland dominant him, he loved Roland being this possessive and he wasn't ever going to love anyone like he loved Roland.

Auspru Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें