Chapter 18

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(War AU)

It was raining. The smell of gunpowder and blood was in the air but he wasn't about to let the smell get to him. How did it come to this....

During a world meeting, Hungary just went crazy. Why? Austria already knew the answer to that, it was because she couldn't accept that Austria never loved her and was in love with Prussia. Her current mind set was if she couldn't have Austria than no one could. Austria was currently hiding behind a tree, reloading his gun. He didn't even bother to reason with Hungary. The bitch tried to hurt Gilbert the second they told everyone at the world meeting.

He heard footsteps, they were light. Obivously a female. Immediately he stood up and pointed his gun. And to his luck, it was the bitch that start it all.

"I-I don't understand!" Hungary yelled. She was in tears, but Austria's eyes were cold and lifeless. "Gilbert shouldn't even be alive!" She was upset. Austria didn't care though. All he cared about was where Hungary was hiding his beloved.

His blood was beyond boiling buthe refused to let the demon take over. He didn't say a word to Hungary as he raised the sword he had on his hip, pointed directly at her. Austria's eyes were hardened, prepared to kill. "S-So you refuse to speak...fine so be it...." Hungary said before they clashed in what seemed like an endless brawl.

After who knows how my hours of fighting, Hungary finally let her guard down. Austria immediately stab his sword through her chest. "Now you are going to talk." He finally spoke. He twisted the sword making her yell in pain. "Where are you hiding my beloved." Austria was finding it harder to control his demon the more this went on. With blood in her throat, she spoke. "It doesn't matter, England probaby has already broken him." She said with a twisted smile.

Austria's eyes changed from the normal violet to a furious golden yellow. "But if you must know, then he's in my basement." That's all he needed to know. Austria removed his sword and severed her head from her body, shattering her body for a good while.

He couldn't hold back anymore, he let the demon take over. He instantly warped to Hungary's house. When he got there he heard a scream. "STOP IT PLEASE!!" Gilbert screamed at the top of his lungs, he was strapped down to a metal table and England was injecting different poisons into him. It was beyond painful. "Scream all you want. No one is coming for you." England said. But Gilbert still resisted, he had to. Each poison was worse after the other.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw England grab another needle, this one filled with something pitch black. "Now before I inject this in, I'll let you scream on last time." England said as calm as ever as he made his way to Gilbert's stomach.

Gilbert's mind finally processed what was in the needle and he let out a bloodcurdling scream. "RODDY PLEASE!! SAVE ME!" And then the door was knocked down and sent flying. England looked up only to see a beyond pissed demon controlled Austria. "Bloody hell!" England yelled as Austria launched at him. But it was already done, the needle had already entered Gilbert's flesh and the poison entered his system.

Gilbert tried to toss and turn in pain but the restraints prevented him from doing so. All he heard as England screaming as Austria killed him. When it went quiet, he knew it was done. "Roddy!" Gilbert cried out. He felt the restraints being torn off but he couldn't move, Roderich was on top on him.

Roderich didn't say anything, just leaned down and started gently kissing Gilbert's neck and jawline. "Roddy please...Make it stop..." The poison was the absolute worse one out of all the others England injected into him. Gilbert felt a hand on his cheek, he barely turned his head when he saw what Austria had become.

The tears increased more. Roderich let the demon take control, his eyes were lifeless, yet the grin he had was twisted. It wasn't his Roddy, his Austria. It was the demon he held back. "Of course my princess, I'll make the pain stop." Austria said, and somehow his grin became more twisted and demented.

Gilbert's eyes widened with fear as this thing held him down. "No...nononono! Your not my Roderich! Let go of me!" Gilbert tried to pull away but he had no strength, after fighting over a thousands soldiers sent after him and resisting against the posions, he was weak. The thing that was pretending to be Austria leaned in closer, his razor sharp teeth mere inches away from Gilbert's neck. "Roddy please..." Gilbert tried calling to his love from whatever dark part of his mind he was trapped in.

He didn't like seeing Roderich in this form. The blood red wings, the razor sharp teeth that could pierce anything, the black horns, the golden eyes, the sharp claws, and the black tattoo like marking on his face and all over his body. "Relax princess, this won't hurt." The creature said as he sunk his teeth into Gilbert's neck.

Gilbert's screamed, tears flooding down his face. His heart was rapidly beating out of his chest. "Roddy....I love you..." Gilbert said, practically begging for Roderich to come back to his senses. As Gilbert was beginning to feel faint, he saw Roderich violently flinch and pull away. Gilbert blacked out, the last he saw was his beloved crying and pulling him close in his arms.

-5 months later-

Romano was starting to get pissed, Everything had finallt calmed down from the events 5 months age but Austria refused to leave his house. No matter what anyone did, no one could get Austria out of this manor. Though he couldn't blame Austria, Prussia has been in a coma since that day. And Austria said he wasn't leaving Gilbert's side.

"I give up, he won't leave his manor. Come on Feli, there's nothing we can do." Romano said as he pulled his brother away to the car and they left. Inside the manor though...

Austria was a wreck. He hadn't had a proper night's rest in 5 months, he barely ate. He just let the hunger pains kill him so he could regenerate back fully healthy. When he came to his senses that day, he hated himself. He let the demon have control and now his edelweiss was paying the price in the form of a coma. And he was too late that day, the poisons that were injected into Gilbert's system killed their unborn child. This would have been their third one.

Austria burned down an entire forest in rage and heartbrokeness. He was so lost in thought and worry, he didn't hear the knock on the door. It was their daughter, Vienna or Analeisse. She had Austria's look but Gilbert's eyes and personality yet she was a very strong business woman.

"Papa..." She said in a soft tone voice. "I'm worried too but you need to rest." She tried reasoning with her father but nothing worked. And it didn't help that Kugel would stay in the room with Austria too for hours as well. Austria just shrugged her off. "I'll rest when he wakes up."Austria said in a tone that left no room for arguing.

Vienna just sighed and left the room. She knew her Papa wouldn't be the same until her Mutti woke up. She was just glad Kugel was with his friends today.

Roderich moved to hold Gilbert's hand between his. "Gilbert please. I'm begging you, wake up. I need you." Roderich wasn't the type to cry, he barely did. But Gilbert was the only one he would cry for. Gilbert owned half of his heart.

"Edelweiss, don't leave me. We've already lost our unborn child....I can't lose you too.." Roderich lightly squeezed Gilbert's hand and kissed it. After a few more minutes of silence, a voice he missed broke it. "...Roddy..." Roderich looked up, eyes wide. His beloved was awake, he gently kissed Gilbert on the lips, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Shhh...I'm here Edelwiess. I'm here." Roderich tried to stay calm.

But Gilbert was distraught, he started to tear up. "Tell me what you said isn't true...Tell me our baby isn't dead. I may have been in a coma but I wasn't deaf." Gilbert's lip quivered as he spoke. He hoped, begged, prayed that what he heard wasn't true. But the look on Roderich's face said otherwise. "I'm sorry my edelweiss." Roderich pulled Gilbert into his arms, holding him close. "I wasn't fast enough, the poison...I'm sorry.." Roderich said in a broken tone.

Roderich felt his heart break again, the look on Gilbert's face made him want to turn back time and fix all this. He held Gilbert tightly as he tried his eyes out on his chest.

That day, Roderich ordered that England, Hungary, and Russia were banned from his country. Their people could come and visit and live in his country but the nations were banned. For both Gilbert's sake and for Roderich's sanity. Roderich would never forgive them for what they have taken from him and his beloved edelweiss. 

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