Chapter 8

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(Victorian AU part 2)

"You wanted to speak with me Father?" Gilen said as he entered his father's study.

It had been 2 years since both Gilbert and Roderich disappeared. But no one was really worried. The only ones that were worried was Gilen, being Gilbert's twin brother, and Roderich's twin Roland.

"Yes. I have decided that you shall marry king Ivan Braginsky. We need this ally and this is the only way. If anything you should be happy."

"What? You do realize I'm already dating someone...right?" Gilen said.

"Break it off. This marriage will happen."

Gilen left slamming the door causing the windows in the study to shatter. Gilen may be calmer than Gilbert but that just made him more dangerous.

As Gilen made his way to the knights quarters, he was stopped.

"So you are my new bride to be." Said Ivan

Gilen's eyes scanned Ivan from head to toe and he knew he hated him. His brother was scared of him for a reason and he didn't want to find out why.

"If you think I'm going to go with this then your stupider than you look. I will not marry you." Gilen stated with a firm voice.

"Oh? And why is that?" Ivan faked ignorance.

"I already have found my true mate. And if you think you can separate us then think again." Gilen was having none of this.

Ivan didn't care and tried to steal a kiss. But as soon as he got to close for comfort, he had a knife to the neck.

"Your knight is fast...heh." Ivan said. He barely managed to turn his head to see blood red eyes staring at him with the intent to kill. "Very well, I'll take my leave. But I will be bride to be." Ivan said and then left.

Gilen turned around to make sure Ivan had left. And before he could blink, Roland had wrapped his arms around him very tightly and Gilen could feel the possessive aura on Roland.

That was one of the major things that set Roland from Roderich apart. While Roderich was more protective and less likely to act on his instincts unless threatened, Roland is possessive. And very at that.

"nggh...R-Rolo...." Gilen slightly said in pain. Since they were true mates, that only increased Roland's possessive more. And the more possessive he got, the more his 'nonhuman form' came out.

Gilen could feel the claws Roland had digging into his skin.

"What is he talking about my bloodrose." Roland said.

It may have been a question but it came out more like a demand.

"Father wants me to marry Ivan because he says we need the ally." Gilen stated. Roland's grip on him only got tighter.

"You are mine. Understand." Roland voice was practically oozing possessiveness.

Gilen flinched. Roland's grip was getting tighter on him and it was starting to hurt. " hurts..." Roland couldn't hear him though. His instincts were in control at the moment.

"Mine. Only mine..." His true form was slowly coming out. Gilen could hear the horns growing out from his head and the wings tearing through the back of his clothes. "You belong to me."

Roland gripped was released. Gilen knew better though, just as fast as the grip was released, it came back only to push him against the wall.

"I'll kill anyone that tries to touch you." Roland said, with a voice that Gilen knew he would keep his word.

Gilen knew this would happen. He knew that Ivan knew too. Before Gilen could figure out how to talk Ivan out of this marriage, there was a hand.

"Ah! Roland...Stop...aaah." Gilen moaned. Roland had his hand touching Gilen causing him to get hard. "R-Rolo...hah...."

"Stop? Why?" Roland then bit him on the neck, only making Gilen moan more. "Its obvious you don't want me to. So be honest and tell me what you want..." Roland then used his other hand to slip it behind Gilen and tease his hole. "How you want it....Tell me."

Gilen made the mistake of trying to reply, because the second he opened his mouth to speak Roland kissed him and practically stuck his tongue down his throat. Gilen couldn't take it anymore, the simulation was too much.

But before he could release, Roland stopped everything. He parted from Gilen with a thin trail of salvia still connecting them.

"You didn't answer my question. What do you want, how do you want, and who do you want. Who do you belong to." Roland demanded.

Gilen didn't care if anyone caught them anymore. Gilen let his true form come out as well, the pale blue scales that covered his body in patches, the beautiful yet fragile wings, the cold blue eyes that easily struck fear in anyone, and the ears that only a siren would have.

"Rolo please...I'm yours...please...fuck me...hard. So hard that I won't be able to walk. That I'll won't remember anything....Roland please..." Gilen leaned in closer and whispered something that got Roland's blood going down south.

"Fuck me so hard that I'll carry your child without a doubt."

Roland opened the door that they were next to and dragged Gilen in. The second the door closed, he was all over Gilen.

He kissed him rough. Gilen could feel his lips swelling up. But the kiss didn't last long. Roland made his way down, he kissed his neck, and removed his shirt.

"Look at how beautiful you are." Roland said with so much love in his voice. "And I'm the only one that can see you like this."

Gilen suddenly felt embarrassed. He tried to shy away but that only made Roland increase his grip.

"Don't hide my bloodrose. I love seeing you like this. You are too beautiful that I feel I don't deserve you. But I'm not letting you go...ever." Roland said and went back to his work.

He kissed Gilen's chest, his stomach, he rid Gilen of his pants and started biting his inner thighs.

"AH! R-Rolo...! More please! Please mark me!" Gilen begged.

And who was Roland to deny his mate. He started to leave bite-marks all over him. Marks that wouldn't heal for a long time he hoped. Roland lifted Gilen up. Gilen wrapped his legs around him and held on to him

for dear life.

"Roland please! Fuck me!" Gilen screamed.

And Roland knew Gilen better than anyone. He immediately put it in and started pleasing his mate.

-The next morning-

"hmmm..." Gilen woke up from his sleep only to feel pain. 'Ow..."

"Good morning my lovely prince." Roland said with a smile on his face.

"Oh shut up. I'm sore because of you." Gilen pouted.

"You know you liked it." Roland said with a smug face.

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