Chapter 14

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"Form an alliance with me." Was what England said as he uttered so cursed words out of his mouth while holding a bouquet.

"What." Prussia said as more of a demand than a question. "Please don't make me repeat myself. I-I want to try to make up and apologize for what I did to you in the past. Be glad I showed up first, because I think Russia is planning to ask you the same thing later. Please give me a second chance." England said with genuine honesty and guilt. But for Prussia, he couldn't.

"Are you kidding me right now Eyebrows. You think that NOW after all these years you and come and practically ask me to marry you. News Flash, you R-A-P-E-D me during those days, and I was still a virgin when you did. You hurt me in more ways than one. And you think this will make it water under the bridge?! How stupid are you." Prussia was fuming at this point. " And another thing, you know that me and Roddy are dating now."

England cut him off before he could continue.

"Exactly, 'dating'. He hasn't popped the question. So please, just give me this chance." England begged, but Prussia wasn't buying it.

"So you can parade me around like some trophy or take advantage of me again. I don't fucking think so." Prussia slammed the door in England's face, listening for him to leave.

-2 hours later-

Gilbert was relaxing, watching some tv, when there was a knock at the door. When he opened it, the last nation he wanted to ever see again was standing there with a bouquet of sunflowers. "Russia. What do you want." Gilbert didn't have the patience for this, he felt sick already.

"I wanted to ask you. Become one with me again. I promise to do better." Ivan said with the same smile he always wore. Gilbert's blood was boiling and tears were falling down his cheeks. "FUCK NO! Why would I subject myself to you again?! You abused me, raped me, tortured me on a daily basis. You made me feel like a worthless object only used for pleasure or to vent your rage on."

Gilbert was shaking, whether from the rage or the crying, Ivan didn't know why. "You were the worst relationship I was ever forced into. I hate you so much. I want to kill you. You make me sick, literally, every time you touch me I cough up blood. Why? Because that's how much my body got used to it being hit 24/7."

Ivan made an attempt to grab Gilbert and hug him "Gilbert...I.." Gilbert moved away and grabbed his hand, stopping Ivan. But the mere feeling of Ivan being in contact with Gilbert was too much. Gilbert let go of him, and hunched over coughing up blood. "D...Don't you touch me..." Gilbert wiped the blood from his mouth. "You've done enough. And I'm already dating Austria, so leave." Gilbert hoped that would get him to leave. But it didn't. Ivan was like a stubborn child.

"But he hasn't proposed. Claimed you as his own. So how do you know that he really loves you." Ivan dropped the bouquet with his head down. Gilbert could feel that 'aura' surrounding Ivan once again. Ivan lifted his head, and had those 'eyes' again. Those eyes that showed how unstable he was. "He had plenty of chances to come and recuse you from my grasp, so why didn't he?" Ivan pinned Gilbert to the wall, his arms blocking his escape.

"When was he really ever there for you?"

Gilbert cut him off. "You hurt him. You made sure he couldn't walk you son of a bitch. And he's been there for he so many times you have no idea. You won't make doubt our love. Because...." Gilbert pushed Ivan off of him. "BECAUSE RODDY IS THE FIRST PERSON TO TRULY LOVE ME AND CARE ABOUT ME AS I AM! You don't know nothing, you may be an adult, but you still act like a child." Gilbert ran inside and slammed the door, making sure it was locked.

He then fell to his knees and curled into a ball, using his left hand to muffle his crying.

-5 hours-

When Roderich got home, he found his beloved curled up by the door. "What the..." Roderich was confused, he took a closer look and saw Gilbert's eyes were puffy and red. He picked him up bridal style and carried him to their room upstairs. He laid Gilbert on the bed. "I should go make dinner if he wakes up." Roderich kissed Gilbert's head and went downstairs again to make dinner.

It didn't take long, he just made something easy and quick. He went back upstairs to check on Gilbert, he saw Gilbert awake, sitting up and holding the pillow close to him, the only thing you could see was his eyes.

"Hey baby, what's wrong? I found you asleep by the door. What happened?" Roderich asked. He didn't expect an immediate response, he knew how Gilbert got when certain situations happened. He wanted to hug and comfort him but since he didn't know what happened, he didn't want to scare Gilbert and trigger him. He hated that the simplest touch could scare his beloved, it made him want to hurt the ones responsible.

" love me...right..?" Gilbert asked. Roderich's eyes widened and his jaw slightly hung. But he didn't say stunned for long. He snatched the pillow from Gilbert and held him close, in a tight embrace. "Of course I love you!

What made you think otherwise? Your the only one I want to love." Roderich was already planning the funeral of whoever did this to his Gilbert. "Both Arthur and Ivan tried to make me become one with them, form an alliance they said. Ivan took it to far though." Gilbert tightly grasped Roderich, his shoulder's slowly started shaking as the tears came once again.

"They tried to make me doubt our love." Roderich felt the pain Gilbert was in and it killed him. "Gil...Look at me." Gilbert moved slightly away from the embrace to look at Roderich in the face. Roderich wiped away his tears. "I was going

to wait to ask you this, maybe over a nice dinner, but now is good. Close your eyes." Gilbert was confused but did as he was told. Gilbert felt Roderich grab his hand. "Okay, you can open your eyes." Gilbert opened is eyes and was even more confused. Until he felt a cold metal slide onto his ring finger. "Gilbert Bielshmidt, will you marry me?" Gilbert's response was pulling Roderich into a passion emotional kiss. "Yes, yes, yes, yes a thousand times yes!" Gilbert said when they parted. "I'm glad, I was so nervous to ask you. Your the first nation I ever fell in love with a first sight. And I want you to be mine forever." Roderich admitted.

Suddenly the events of what happened earlier that day vanished. The only thing on their minds was their love for each other and the wedding they will be planning. "I'm not wearing a dress." Gilbert said.

"Please my edelweiss. You'll look even more gorgeous." Roderich faked pouted. And Gilbert couldn't resist. "Fine. But has to be long that it touches the floor and slightly poufy. Nothing short." Gilbert stated.

"Anything for you, my beloved Prussia." Roderich said before sealing the deal with a kiss.

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