Chapter 12

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(Vampire AU)

Gilbert didn't know why he was running anymore. He just knew he had to run from the mob chasing him with torches and pitch forks. He knew he had to escape the 'Hunt'. He ran and ran until he saw a manor in the middle of the woods he was in.

He didn't think to much on it. He ran inside and slammed the door.

Gilbert was out of breathe. "Why? What did I do to deserve this?" Gilbert asked to himself. He noticed that is was pleasantly warm inside the manor that looked abandoned on the outside. he took of the cloak he used to hide his appearance from the freezing cold. He looked around the entrance and noticed that inside was well kept and clean.

"Hello?" He called out. Someone had to be here.

"Who are you. And how did you get in." A voice asked. Gilbert jumped off the floor and turned around to see the face of the voice that just scared to shit out of him. When he did, he saw a very handsome young man maybe slightly older than him. He had dark brown hair, vibrant violet eyes, was very well dressed, and a very strong aura around here.

But he didn't have time to continue admiring the handsome stranger. The stranger was suddenly very close and resting his hand on Gilbert's cheek. "I'll ask again. Who are you and how did you get in."

Gilbert snapped out of whatever trance he was in "I'm Gilbert. Gilbert Bielshmidt. And the door was open." Gilbert was confused. Did this person not lock his door or something?

"You shouldn't have gotten in here. Let alone see this place." The stranger's eyes suddenly went from violet to a dark golden yellow.

Gilbert pulled away from the stranger's grasp. "Please. Please don't let me go back out there." Gilbert pleaded. He didn't want to get chased again. He escaped this time but they might just catch him if he goes back out there.

"My name is Roderich Edelstein." Roderich then grabbed Gilbert's hand and kissed it. Gilbert slightly blushed. "And I already could tell. You were trying to hide from something. The way you were panting meant you were running from someone or something."

Gilbert was suddenly wondering how sharp this Roderich was.

"Feel free to stay as long as you need." Gilbert's eyes widened. Roderich was really going to let him stay here. Roderich then pulled Gilbert really close in his grasp. "But only if you are okay with living with...." Gilbert then felt sharp fangs enter his neck. He tried to push Roderich away but to no avail. Roderich pulled away with Gilbert's blood dripping down his chin. "A vampire. You taste delicious."

Part of Gilbert was terrified for his life. But another part of him was actually okay with this. Roderich was willing to let him stay here. So the least Gilbert could do was satisfy his thirst. Plus he wouldn't deny if he wasn't the slightest bit curious of Roderich and that Roderich was quite handsome.

-6 months later-

"You never did tell me what it was you were running from." Roderich said to Gilbert. They were currently wandering the woods, since it was night and most people were asleep. Roderich saw Gilbert stiffen. "And you never told me what you meant by I shouldn't have seen your manor." Gilbert retorted back.

Gilbert saw the curiosity and the genuine concern in Roderich's eyes. He removed the hood of his cloak. "I was running from the village I had lived in. They were chasing me with torches and pitchforks. They thought I was some sort of monster. A ugly disgusting monster. When the 'Hunts' began, they made me the target. I was born with snow white skin and hair, and blood red eyes. Immediately they thought I was some sort of demon. "

Gilbert felt a hand on his cheek. "Roderich...?" Roderich suddenly close enough to rest his forehead against Gilbert's and he did just that.

"You are not a monster. I'm the real monster here, I've always been all my life. Your not ugly or disgusting, you are the most beautiful, graceful being I've ever laid eyes on. And if they hunt you, I'll leave them to bleed for the wolves....." Roderich slightly stiffened. "What I meant that day by you shouldn't have seen my manor is because its cursed. Only the one I'm destined to be with shall see and enter my manor." Roderich explained with a slight blush. Gilbert was red as well, he was the one that was meant to be with Roderich....? Well Gilbert will admit to himself that he is in love with Roderich.

Roderich's eyes were glowing now. He was inching closer, with the intent to kiss Gilbert but before he could kiss him, Gilbert gasped in pain. There was an arrow shot right through him.

Gilbert coughed up blood and you could see the fear in his eyes. "R-Roderich..." Gilbert gasp. Roderich immediately ripped the arrow out and held Gilbert tightly in his arms, muffling his scream.

"Close your eyes and count to ten." Roderich demanded. Gilbert was confused. "Wha...." Roderich squeezed him closer. "Do it."

Gilbert did as he was told, he close his eyes and count to ten. "1, 2, 3, 4 , 5...." As he counted, he could the sound of flesh being torn, bones being broken, but no screams. It was like a battle was happening yet there it was just as silent as the night. "10." He opened his eyes, he looked around and it looked as if he was in a battlefield, corpses everywhere. Gilbert felt arms wrap around him from behind and a hand cover his eyes. "No, don't look. Please, I don't want you to see me for what I really am. I love you. But I don't want you see the monster, the demon was cursed to be from the day I was born. " Roderich's voice sounded so broken and in pain. But Gilbert didn't have time to focus on that. The blood loss became to much and he passed out. Little did he know that the battle took its toll on Roderich and he passed out as well.

Both were lying unconscious  in the snow.

To be continued.....

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