Chapter 4

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(I couldn't help myself with this one)

"Mmmmhhh I'm so bored." Whined Gilbert.

Currently Gilbert was home alone. Roderich was at a meeting with his boss, Kugel was hanging out with Sealand and the others, and everyone else was busy.

"I know what I can do."

Gilbert got up from his place on the couch and went to the room where Roderich kept his piano.

"Since Roddy is gone I can play his piano."

-2 hours later-

"Gilbert where are you?" Roderich called out as he just got back from meeting up with his boss about something.

Normally Gilbert would be outside, in the kitchen, or laying in the library. But today he wasn't in either of those places. Before Roderich could fully question it, he heard his piano

being played. And it was a tune he never heard nor composed before. He automatically got curious and made a straight bee-line for his music room.

When he got there he saw the door was open and when he peeked inside, he saw his beloved edelweiss composing a beautiful piece on the piano.

"What are you doing Gilbert." It can out more like a demand then a question but he was curious as to why his beloved always said he couldn't play the piano.

He caught Gilbert off guard and saw him jump a little in his seat.

"R-Roddy?! When did you get back? And how long where you standing there?"

Gilbert asked slightly flustered.

"Long enough. So since when you could play the piano and why am I now finding out about it."

"W-What are you talking about? I wasn't playing the piano.." Gilbert said while avoiding eye contact. "What gives you that impression?"

Roderich didn't even have to say anything. He just pointed at the music sheet with Gilbert's name on it.

"What happened to the piano being a 'boring' and 'un-awesome' instrument."

"O-Oh shut up and bite me!" Gilbert yelled back.

The thing with Roderich was he was unpredictable. You don't know what he'll take literal or not. Gilbert was confused by the expression on Roderich's face and why he was

getting closer until Roderich bent down in front of him and Gilbert remembered he had shorts on that revealed his thighs.

"R-Roddy? What are you-AH!" Gilbert screamed before he could finish his sentence.

Roderich was biting into his inner thigh. HARD. Gilbert felt himself getting slowly aroused. Roderich knew he was a masochist.

"A-Ah Roddy~ S-Stop...." Gilbert begged even though he didn't want him to.

Instead Roderich bit harder for a few more seconds before he stopped and stood back up. When Roderich looked back a Gilbert, he loved what he saw.

Gilbert was panting, he was teary eyed from the pleasure, he had teeth marks on his inner thigh that was turning purple already and bleeding where his teeth had been,

and Gilbert just looked down right delicious. Roderich couldn't help but lick his lips.

"You know I have a biting kink my edelweiss. And you just looked so delectable, I couldn't help but devour you." Roderich practically purred out. "In fact, why don't I do just that."

"W-What are you implying..." Gilbert asked, already knowing the answer but he loved hearing Roderich say it.

Roderich moved closer to Gilbert and slightly tilted his head up so Gilbert was making direct eye contact with him.

"I going to devour you right here right now."

After that, Gilbert couldn't walk straight without limping the next day.

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