Chapter 9

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"No way. Nowaynowaynoway...." Prussia was practically chanting to himself.

He noticed for a month now that he was getting very sick. He threw up almost everything he ate. Nations at the world meeting pissed him off more than usual, and he had been feeling tired a lot more.

Plus Austria had noticed and is getting more worried by the second to the point Gilbert was surprised Roderich's hair wasn't whiter than his.

But now Prussia knew the source of his sudden sickness, it was looking at him with at positive sign. And he was terrified. Not because he felt he'll be a bad 'mother' but he was scared of how Austria would take it.

Austria has never showed any signs of wanting a child. He didn't even know if Austria would want to be with him if he found out.

"Just tell him. It won't be that bad." Said Romano who was currently with him. If anyone knew Austria as well as Prussia it was Romano, even though he won't admit it, Lovi is closer to Austria than his brother is.

And the only reason why Romano was even here was because Prussia called him, and Romano won't deny him and Gilbert are best friends.

"But-" Gilbert was about to say something but Lovino cut him off before he could.

"No buts." Romano leaned down to hug Gilbert in a comforting yet un-Romano like hug. "You know that piano bastard will willingly give up his life for you. He loves you so much that it I'm actually jealous."

Gilbert was shocked by that. He moved to look at Lovino face to face. "What do you mean jealous??" Gilbert asked.

"I'm jealous because even though I take after him more than Feli does. I'll never be able to show Spain that much love and affection and protectiveness that he does with you." Lovino admitted.

After comforting Gilbert for a few more minutes Lovino left.

-A few more hours later-

"Gil I'm back." Roderich called out.

Austria had been sent to a meeting with both England and Switzerland and he was beyond tired. Stuck in a stuffy meeting room with two nations he hates for 5 hours. Not how he wanted to spent his Saturday.

He was actually hoping he could take Gilbert to a doctor ,that only the nations could see, to find out what was wrong with his beloved.

Roderich was usually the calm stoic one in the relationship but whenever Gilbert got sick he suddenly became a nervous panicked mess. Since Gilbert was technically considered a mirconation and not a full nation anymore,

Roderich was always terrified when he got sick. Because now it was easier for Gilbert to catch something fatal and it would take him longer to regenerate.

And right now he was beyond terrified. And since he didn't want to look up what would cause the symptoms, his mind was running wild with what Gilbert might of caught. Roderich wasn't liking any of the illnesses and diseases that were entering his mind.

"-Oddy. Roddy."

Roderich was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by his love's voice and Gilbert standing in front of him.

"Wha..?" Roderich questioned.

"Geez. How tired did that meeting leave you? And I have something to tell you." Gilbert said slightly annoyed. He hated when work left his Roddy this tired. Roderich would always be constantly dozing in and out.

"Very. And what did you have to tell me?" Roderich was confused. Did Gilbert go to the doctor and find out what was causing his sickness. Roderich suddenly turned pale.

"I went to the store and bought something to figure out why I've been sick recently. And I figured out it was...." Gilbert suddenly trailed off.

"What?" Roderich asked, desperate to know. And before Roderich could question it any further, Gilbert said it.

"I'm pregnant."

Gilbert said it fast. Like ripping off a bandage. And now it was silent.

Gilbert didn't like the silence. It was practically killer. What was a few seconds felt like a eternity. The longer Roderich stayed quiet the more Gilbert's mind started telling him it was a negative reaction.

But the silence was broken. By Roderich picking up Gilbert by the waist and spinning him around in a circle for a few times with the happiest laugh Gilbert as ever heard. Roderich put him down and hugged him close.

"Your serious right. Your one hundred percent positive." Roderich asked not wanting to lose hope.

"I did six tests and they all said positive." Gilbert said while returning the embrace. He was happy Roderich took it well.

Gilbert felt Roderich's hands wander to his non-existent belly.

"Do you know how badly I've wanted to have a kid with you. To get a second chance at it. I'm so happy right now." Roderich said.

"I thought you wouldn't want this..." Gilbert admitted.

"Why wouldn't I want this? I would never leave you. You know that. And this is a child between us. I wanted this more than anything. I would always tell myself that there would be only one other person I love as such as I love you."

Roderich released his grip a little, leaned back and put his hand on Gilbert's cheek, making him look up, in a warm and loving caress. "And they would call you 'Mutti'."

Gilbert leaned in and clinged to his love, crying.

"Shhhh. Let it out my edelweiss. I promised I would always be with you and to never leave you. We said we would do this together and we will." Roderich said comforting his beloved.

They the next months wouldn't be easy but it would all be worth it.

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