Chapter 7

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(Things they do that people are shocked at)

-Early Morning-

"Bruder! Come on, you can't skip training today!" Germany screamed.

Currently Germany had broken into his brother's and Austria's house because Gilbert didn't show up for training. He has checked almost every room and no sign of either of them.

He went downstairs and he saw that there was a room he didn't check. It was behind the stairs.

Germany went behind the stairs and opened the door and he saw.....

"Bruder? What are you doing?" Out of all the things Germany has seen. This was the most shocking. Austria was doing one armed pushups with Prussia sitting with his legs crossed on his back. And his brother was reading a 'manga' as Japan called it.

"Oh hey West. Didn't you get my message?" Gilbert asked. "I said Roddy had leg day today and I need to make sure that he doesn't overdo it."

Germany grabbed his phone and saw the message his brother sent.

"Wait why does Austria need leg training?" Asked Germany. Before he could get an answer, he answered his own question. "Oh right. Never mind." And then Germany left feeling stupid that Austria was put in a wheelchair in the past.


Italy decided to pay his papa a visit today after training with Germany and Japan. As he made his way inside, he heard a scream.

It was Gilbert. Immediately he ran to where the scream came from. He thought that something bad had happened to Gilbert or worse yet when he got to the kitchen.

"Gilbert get off me. I can't kill the spider if you are trying to choke me with that death grip on yours." Said Roderich slightly blue in the face.

"Then kill it with fire then!" Gilbert yelled. Ever since he was a young nation, he hated all bugs. Spiders were on the top of that list.

Austria turned into his inner demon self and actually used a small fire spell to kill the spider. Austria didn't really care about bugs, so he wasn't scared of them but he knew his beloved was terrified.

"....." Italy left without saying anything. Too confused about what just happened.

-Later the same afternoon-

"Mon dieu. I invite you two to hang out with me and you do this." France said annoyed. They were currently at a small café and Prussia was sitting on Austria's lap while Austria was kissing his jawline and neck. And Gilbert had the most calm expression France has ever seen.

"Gilbert mon ami, how do you not get embarrassed? I mean look at him." France asked.

Austria started glaring daggers at France.

"I'm used to it Francis. Plus Roddy is just protective." Gilbert said just as calm.

"Possessive is more like it mon ami." France muttered. " Seriously. How much more possessive can one be."

And the afternoon continued on even though Austria was glaring daggers at anyone who looked at Gilbert in a funny way.


"Roddy, you've been kinda quiet today. Since we got back home from Francis's place. Is something wrong?" Gilbert asked. He knew Austria was a quiet person, which was one thing people didn't get with Austria being so quiet at times and Prussia being so loud.

Austria didn't say anything just pulled Prussia into his arms and laid his head on Prussia's shoulder from behind.

Prussia knew what was bothering Roderich now. He stayed in his brunette lover's grasp. "It's okay Roddy. No one is going to take me from you."

Gilbert then moved so he was facing Roderich while still in grasp. "Come on now baby. Don't cry. If you hate it when I cry, then imagine how I hate it when you cry, you are not the crying type." Gilbert said while wiping away the tears on Roderich's face.

"I don't want to lose you.....I love you too much..."

"I know Roddy. I love you too." Gilbert said then gave Roderich a small kiss on the lips.

Roderich suddenly pulled Gilbert back into a more rough and passionate kiss.

"Mmmph?!" Gilbert was trying to say something but quickly forgot what.

Roderich pushed Gilbert into the nearest wall. He grabbed Gilbert by the hips and lifted him up. Gilbert instantly wrapped his legs around Roderich. They parted when the need for air became too much.

"ahh....Roddy....mmpph!" Roderich bit down hard on Gilbert's neck. Hard enough to draw blood.

"Tell me who you want. Who you belong to. Who you will love and only love." Roderich practically demanded with a look in his eyes that left no room for a negative response.

"You. I love you Roddy. I'm yours and I want you....Mark me, leave your mark on me so the whole world knows who exactly belong to...." Gilbert suddenly had a mischievous look in his eyes. He leaned in closer and whispered.

"This time though....." Gilbert hit Roderich in the back of the neck, triggering his inner demon self to come out. " This time.....I want it rough...I want to feel all the pain and pleasure....I want you to knock me up."

Roderich didn't let Gilbert leave for the rest of the night.

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