Chapter 16

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(here's something happy)

"Where are you taking me Roddy?" Gilert asked as he was lead blindly somewhere by Roderich. He wanted to stay sitting down but Roderich seemed eager to show him something. "You'll see edelweiss..." Roderich said.

Currently Gilbert was 6 months pregnant with his and Roderich's children, that's right children. Gilbert was having twins, so his stomach was pretty big. Gilbert was scared to tell Roderich when he found out he was expecting, but he was glad he told him, Roderich was so happy and somehow his love for Gilbert grew even more.

Though so did Roderich's protectiveness over Gilbert. The only other nations that knew was Romano and their 2p's, Gilbert was scared to tell the other nations, especially his brother and Hungary. Roderich understood his fear why and they have kept this a secret. Roderich had enough medicial knowledge and expericence to help Gilbert deliver the children himself.

Gilbert was worried that this pregnancy made him unbearable but Roderich constantly reassured him that he was perfect and never was unbearable.

When they arrived at the location, Roderich removed the blindfold from Gilbert's face. When Gilbert's eyes adjusted to the light, he was in a garden, a beautiful one at that. He turned to look at Roderich, slightly confused.

As if sensing his confusion, Roderich spoke. "Its been a long time since we've been here, I fixed it up but do you remember." Roderich wrapped his arms around Gilbert without squeezing his stomach. "This is where we first met." Gilbert's eyes widened a little as he looked around the garden, the memory came back to him. Gilbert smiled.

"Yeah, I remember. This was the line that seperated you from me, the border that Rome and Germania had put. But that didn't stop you from seeing me." Gilbert said, remembering all the times him and Roderich got in trouble.

"If I remember correctly, this is also where you stole my kiss you priss." Gilbert flicked Roderich on the forehead, giggling at his reaction.

"Stop calling me that. This place was multiple firsts for us. Our first meeting, our first kiss-" Roderich was cut off by Gibert suddenly getting depressed. "Our first war."

Roderich kissed Gilbert on the neck, sensing the pain. "Yes, that too. But I think we have more happy memories here. Afterall, this is where I got you pregnant." Roderich said with a smirk. Gilbert blushed bright red. Roderich started rubbing Gilbert's belly. "I remember when I first saw you, you became  the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I wanted nothing but to protect you and love you since that day." Roderich twirled Gilbert around as if he was a princess.

Gilbert honestly didn't know what had he done to deserve Roderich but he didn't care. He was finally happy after so many years of suffering and torture. "You make me so happy Roddy. I hope our children take after you." Gilbert stated. "I know they will have your looks and personality though, my beloved edelweiss." Roderich stated.

And they danced the evening away. Not a care in the world.

{{I'm so sorry if this is short, I have a bad case of writer's block and I can't think of any ideas}}

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