This is not a disclaimer--

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--because I just searched up on google what a disclaimer is and this does not fit the definition.

Before I resume the story, I just wanted to say that after reading about a thousand (exaggerated) Chinese novels, I felt inspired to do my own. Now, of course, this won't be as good as the genuine Xuanhuan novels but I tried my best. This is not a Xianxia (Taoism), this is a Xuanhuan (which has nothing to do with Taoism... I think).

Also, the first few chapters are mainly inspired by BTTH and SOTR (and also TDG, I guess), while the later chapters (50+) are heavily influenced by LoHP and HN1F. It's because I had a mini hiatus while reading LoHP and HN1F for one week.

PS. This is neither Xianxia nor Wuxia, but since the two are more widely known than Xuanhuan, I'll still put it on the tags.

Please tell me genuine criticisms on my ways of writing, like vague explanations or weird behavior of the characters, and I'll do my best to fix them

Also also, I don't know much about politics and power struggles so forgive me if the conflicts seem a bit unrealistic. Yes I know there is google

Also also also, I'm not really good with formal conversations and the like

Note: the chapters are a *little* on the short side, compared to the other stories that I've read which had a crap ton of pages each chapter, man those (were) are exhausting to read

Update frequency: ≥4 chapters per week
To make up for the drastic decrease in frequency of updates, I made the chapters at least 1.5x longer. That means that the word range would now be 1500 - 3000

≥ means at least, if you didn't know

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