Chapter 30 - Storage Ring

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Li Bai and Li Bao arrived at the Li clan, with Li Bao pulling the wheelbarrow that had a mountain of artifacts. The clansmen all saw her and were jealous. Was she that rich? 

Li Bai, now knowing that showing off would just fail, walked to the marketplace after advising his sister to dump all of the items in his courtyard. He was planning on buying a storage ring.

A storage ring was like the cards, but instead of putting money inside, you could put any kind of item! He was planning to buy a storage ring that he could enter himself.

Li Bai walked towards the Zhou clan's marketplace. The Zhou clan's marketplace was, of course, the most popular and bountiful marketplace out of all of the marketplaces. The only downside was the expensive prices.

The Zhou clan basically monopolized several areas, with them buying the items off immediately from the harvesters and suppliers. They then raise the prices hugely because no one could complain. Only they had that item, so if one didn't want to comply with the prices, then he just wouldn't buy it.

The most popular items in the marketplace were, of course, the low-level pills. They were incredibly expensive, albeit being having extremely cheap materials in its recipe.

This time, it wasn't the Zhou clan's doing, but instead, the pill maker that they hired. That pill maker was actually using more expensive substitutes, as he didn't know how the original recipe. Even with these more expensive materials, he still couldn't make it past the red color, so all of his pills were of medium quality.

Li Bai didn't come in this marketplace for the pills though, he came for the interspatial storage rings! The ones that actually allowed one to enter the rings were rare, but surely, with the wealth of the Zhou clan, they should have some of these in stock.

Sometimes, money isn't accepted as currency if the item to be traded was rare. Instead, other rare items were traded. Here, Li Bai brought pills to exchange with the storage ring in case his diamond coin was not enough.

The Zhou clan's marketplace had the more expensive items in a tall tower in the center of the big marketplace, while the common items were sold in bulk on the ground. The tall tower was not owned by the Zhou clan, but they used it anyway because they claimed that they were the first ones to discover it.

Upon entering the tall tower, Li Bai felt an irregularity in the Earth energy flow. Even though he couldn't absorb the energy itself, he was extremely adept at sensing abnormalities in the flow of Earth energy.

"This tall tower must have secrets!"

However, Li Bai did not have time for finding the secret of the tall tower. He was too excited to study the Zodiac Pot, as there he saw the possibility of training.

He hastened his pace, walking towards the spiral staircase that led to the other floors of the tower. With a building this tall, it would naturally have many floors.

The way the items were arranged inside the tower was to emphasize the worth of the item. The higher the floor, the more expensive an item was. Therefore, Li Bai walked towards the higher floors, as he knew the worth of storage rings to be quite high.

Li Bai, upon arriving on the third floor, stopped sensing the earlier abnormality in the Earth energy flow. He sensed a different kind of abnormality in the flow, a storage ring.

"Huh? Why would a storage ring be on the measly third floor?"

Of course, Li Bai had no time to contemplate and immediately walked towards the place where the storage ring was.

"This is it!"

In the tall tower, each item had a guard, with the Level Mark of guards rising proportionally with the floor. The guard guarding the storage ring that Li Bai wanted was only First Level Mark 5-gems, despite looking like a middle-aged man.

The guard was in the middle of falling asleep. Business in this tall tower was naturally slow, given the sheer price of the items. Only people with high positions within their clans bought here. He suddenly saw Li Bai walking towards his station.

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