Chapter 5 - Ruckus

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Li Bao recognized her friend - it was Liu Heng (刘恒)! Li Bao quickly ran over to her friend but was intercepted by guards. Liu Heng saw her guards blocking someone and quickly called them over.

"Didn't I tell you to leave all things to me? I'm strong now!"

Liu Heng was as stubborn as a mule, refusing to let her guards protect her. She insisted that she was powerful enough to take care of herself to her father, but the clan master required her to bring along at least five guards when she takes a walk.

"But the clan master told us to-"

"No! Let him through..."

The guards gave in to Liu Heng. In the city, there were many beauties. Li Bao was known for her flippancy, while Liu Heng was known for her fierceness and bossiness.

Liu Heng saw Li Bao getting closer and closer, but she didn't recognize her. The mask was too efficient! Liu Heng thought Li Bao was a male, and therefore was there to harass her.

"You think you can harass me?"

Liu Heng taunted Li Bao, which confused the latter. Li Bao had completely forgotten that she was wearing a mask to hide her face. This mask made Liu Heng misunderstand Li Bao's intentions. Li Bao, however, mistook Liu Heng's taunts as a want to have a bout with her.

The people that just ran away looked back, only to see a masked man and Liu Heng. They also saw Li Bai, but they didn't pay attention to him at all. Li Bai felt insulted.

"Hahaha, you can never defeat me!"

Liu Heng heard the voice of the supposed male in front of her, and couldn't help but think that she heard this voice before.

The people quickly forgot about Li Bai's presence and instead focused on the masked man walking closer to Liu Heng. It seemed like the masked man was about to fight her.

"Come to think of it, this rambunctious body is familiar, it doesn't really resemble a male's..."

Liu Heng was growing more and more confused. I am familiar with this man, I know it! She then saw Li Bai, getting blocked by her guards.

"Li Bao jie, I don't have time for this!"

Li Bai shouted towards Li Bao, but the people didn't notice this seeing that they didn't give a damn about Li Bai. They didn't care about him at all.

The masked male in front of Liu Heng, however, reacted to this call and turned around. She shouted at Li Bai as well.

"Wait, Liu Heng wants to spar!"

Liu Heng, at last, recognized this "male". It was Li Bai's airhead older sister, Li Bao! Liu Heng then got scared, as she knew she was no match for Li Bao. As strong as she was, Li Bao was infinitely stronger.

"Li Bao, I don't want to spar anymore, it seems like you're... tight on time."

Li Bao considered everyone to be her friend, but not everyone considered themselves to be that. Liu Heng, for example, looked at Li Bao as a mountain that cannot be climbed, and so unconsciously started to hate her.

"Okay then, let's spar next time, Liu Heng!"

As soon as Li Bao left, Liu Heng furrowed her brows. She had lost a lot of face backing off from a fight.

The people also thought about who the mysterious masked man is, to make Liu Heng retreat like that. They were observing from far away, they didn't want to get involved in a dispute.

"Maybe Li Bai did something?"

An onlooker suggested something. He was certain that Li Bai did something, seeing that the masked man looked at Li Bai and eventually followed him.

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