Chapter 63 - Light Energy

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This was a family secret that only the ones at the top of the hierarchy knew, like her father and her mother. She only overheard them having a conversation as she was passing through the hallway of their manor.

This revelation shocked Zhao Mei greatly, so much so that her fear of having the Pure Dark Body dissipated.

Knowing that their ancient ancestor had the same constitution, if she were to be cured of it as well, she would become one of the most influential figures in the kingdom!

However, her hopes were dashed when she soon discovered that there have already been at least a thousand with the surname Zhao to be inflicted with the constitution, only to fail to cure it until the end of their lives.

Now, she was carefree as she knew that there was no hope for her left. That was why she was out and about, leaving her guardian alone.

"Let's go!"

Wu Tai forcefully grabbed Zhao Mei's arm as he prepared to get out of this backwater. He didn't want to stay here any longer, hindering their progress to find the Sacred Cotton.

Upon hearing the unfathomable cultivator's words, the crowd was very disappointed.

Another fight avoided by Li Bai? What nonsense! How crazy must his luck be to make these things happen consecutively?!

Although Zhao Mei had already conceded, the crowd still had hope that she would retract her surrender. Who would've known that Zhao Mei would end up the same as Liu Yang?

Before Wu Tai could do so, however, the kid who was just standing beside them spoke with great seriousness.


Li Bai had already predicted that this would happen, but he didn't think it would happen this quickly! As such, he needed to execute his plan gracefully to convince this "Wu Tai" to hand over Zhao Mei as a disciple of his.

Hearing the little kid didn't make Wu Tai flinch. In his thoughts, this kid's mind was already broken as soon as he arrived here. He just regarded it as the ramblings of a crazy kid.

Until suddenly, the kid had grabbed his arm!

This move by Li Bai made the crowd go nuts! How arrogant must he be to stop the unfathomably strong cultivator from getting out of here?

Although, they were also thankful. Thankful that Li Bai would still get beaten up!

The kid's grip on Wu Tai's arm was unexpectedly stronger than he thought. The kid was also abnormally fast as the kid's hand had caught his own arm even though he was about to disappear in a flash!

Because of these sudden developments, Wu Tai stopped and stared at the kid standing in front of him, grabbing his arm.

The kid had a grumbling expression on his face, as if to imply his frustration at being ignored.

In truth, Li Bai was actually faking this expression of his. No matter what, he was still in the body of a kid, so he had to act accordingly.

Wu Tai let go of Zhao Mei's hand to much of her relief. He then turned his body completely to face the child, as he felt suspicious.

Li Bai let go of Wu Tai's arm as he took out a piece of cloth from his pocket and wiped both his hands in disgust.

This move offended Wu Tai. The child had just grabbed his arm, was he disgusted to the extent that he would clean his hands?!

After this, the child ignored Wu Tai as well, seemingly getting back at him for being ignored earlier. He walked towards Zhao Mei.

Zhao Mei watched the whole scene unfold right before her eyes, and right now she was pretty confused. As Li Bai was walking towards her, however, she snapped out of her confusion as she felt fear towards this child.

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