Chapter 77 - Yuan Luoyang

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Zhao Mei's jade cuffs were like magnets, attracted to a large sandstone wall. Her body was suddenly sent flying until her back hit the wall. "Ack-!"

She spit blood.

The assassin leader stopped walking as he watched the show of despair from Zhao Mei.

Zhao Mei tried to move her limbs, but her wrists were restrained. The jade cuffs just wouldn't move!

"You despicable bastards!" Zhao Mei cursed at them, but they showed no reaction.

"Little bro, you can come out now. I'll take care of this guardian of hers," the assassin leader spoke, "and you, come here!"

The assassin leader called out the assassin with scars on his face.

"Yes, boss?" He seemed eager to accept new orders.

"Stand on your four limbs. Act like a dog, and fetch this!" The assassin leader suddenly threw out something.

"Yes, boss! Arf, arf." The scar faced assassin went down on his four limbs and ran like a dog towards what the assassin leader threw.

A youth in his twenties came out from behind the sandstone wall. He also had the same uniform as the assassins, but his face was full of innocence.

"What? Really? Where is it?," the little brother asked.

"Right there, on that other wall," the assassin leader responded, his finger pointing towards Zhao Mei.

The little brother turned his head in an instant, and saw the exasperated and exhausted face of Zhao Mei. His eyes sparkled with color.

The girl restrained on the wall... she was simply too beautiful. Her hair directly complemented her face, as her clothes did with her body.

The little brother walked over to Zhao Mei with an innocent smile on his face.

"Excuse me, Miss Zhao Mei?" The little brother asked for her attention.

Zhao Mei was surprised by the guy's greeting. He was a year older than her, yet he knew how to be polite! Perhaps he is still untainted.

Suddenly, a crashing sound could be heard. Zhao Mei and the assassin leader's little brother both turned their heads to look.

Wu Tai had collapsed on the sand. He was still conscious, however, he could not exert that much strength anymore.

As he saw the face of the one approaching him, the one who threw something for the scar faced assassin to fetch, he recognized the vile villain.

"Yuan Luoyang..."

"Ooh! I'm flattered that you actually know me. I am pretty famous nowadays."


Li Bai felt a bit of energy fluctuation as he ran.

"It's coming from... the eye of the storm?"

He headed towards the energy fluctuation.

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