Chapter 49 - Satisfaction Comes With Regret

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Li Bai was now restrained along with his sister, Li Bao, with him teaching her to pass the time. Ah, it's bothersome being a child...


Jin He almost fell asleep, bored of fighting these awfully weak opponents.

She yawned again and again, but even her yawns were enough to push these so-called Fifth Level Mark cultivators back, if only for a short distance.

"Ahhh! I want to fight stronger people... Master, where are you?!"

As she was crying out how boring this battle was, everyone else from the Li clan was struggling to even hold back some of the people from the Liu clan!

Luckily for them, it seemed like the Liu clan was not taking this battle seriously, even with all of their angry expressions!

It looked like they were aiming for someone else, and thought of their current opponents as a bother only.

And this was the truth, Liu Gong and all of the elders were targeting one person, and it was Li Fu.

In fact, only Liu Gong was serious, as he was facing the Liu clan's target directly! Unfortunately for him, Li Fu was still higher than him in cultivation level.

Exchanging blows, Li Fu and Liu Gong were creating shockwaves through the air, preventing anyone from getting closer to them, as the shockwaves were very strong, albeit weaker than if Jin He made them.

Li Fu was still holding back on his friend, examining what's wrong with him while battling. He noticed something, Liu Gong's eyes were bloodshot red!

The eyes of this friend of his was supposed to be a tint of blue, why would it be red?

This distracted Li Fu, who then took a blow from Liu Gong, launching him several meters back, but still managing to be on his feet. He gripped his stomach, and started charging towards Liu Gong again.


While running, Li Fu coughed up blood from his mouth.

This was unnatural, he knew that his friend's cultivation level was a whole 5-gems lower than his, how did he inflict this much damage on him? Li Fu stood still, pondering on how his friend got so much stronger.

Liu Gong took advantage of Li Fu's distraction, and kicked him in his face!

Li Fu fell down on the ground, but managed to get back up quickly, nearly dodging Liu Gong's stomp. This stomp instead hit the ground, which made a crack appear on it!

Li Fu snapped out of his distraction. Ai... this is no time to hold back! To know why Liu Gong is acting like this, I need to knock him unconscious!

He started to run towards Liu Gong with all his might, creating pressure on his sides which blew some wind both ways.

The wind prevented anyone from getting closer to the running Li Fu, in fact, it blew them even farther! Both sides were affected by this strong wind.

Liu Gong saw that Li Fu was rushing towards him and planned to match his speed, running towards the running Li Fu.

This wasn't what Li Fu expected! He expected Liu Gong to take either a defensive stance or completely dodge his attacks!

Who knew that Liu Gong would face it head-on, knowing full well that Li Fu's cultivation level was higher than his?

Li Fu considered stopping, but his momentum was already too fast. Liu Gong was not thinking, unlike Li Fu, instead, there was only the desire of wanting to kill Li Fu in his head.

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