Chapter 60 - Frostbite Lightning

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"Li... Li Bai's opponent conceded... so... by default, he has... won his match."

The elder who announced this said it with great difficulty. This was the most precarious situation he has been in through his entire life! He felt everyone's gazes staring at him, burning his skin!

He was burning alive! Of course, this was not actually happening, the elder was daydreaming.

Almost everyone rubbed their glabellas. Do you have to be so gosh darned lucky? You might as well have located every treasure that has ever existed!

They knew that they could not blame Li Bai for winning so suddenly, instead making the elder that announced his win the scapegoat.

Even if he was an elder of the Zhou clan, in the face of the entire population of Backwater City, he could only gulp his saliva. After announcing this horrible, horrible information to the crowd, he sat down on his seat.

Thinking that there was no use to him staying, Li Bai could only get down from the stage in disappointment, shaking his head and frowning.

The crowd saw Li Bai's "disappointed" look, and came to the conclusion that he was actually extremely happy inside.

"That arrogant bastard!"


After this fiasco, the battles between the other participants started.

Liu Yang was as fast as light as he attacked Zhao Mei who stood still. He was sending an endless stream of punches and kicks towards her, using a variety of techniques.

Zhao Mei didn't even bother following the fast Liu Yang with her eyes. She was immediately blocking each and all of his moves swiftly with one hand!

Panicking, Liu Yang felt cold sweat drip behind his back and stopped his useless barrage of attacks. He stood on the other side of the stage, looking at Zhao Mei directly.

She had a wide grin on her face before she yawned, covering her mouth with her palm. This brief grin sent a chill towards Liu Yang's spine, literally.

Li Bai was still observing the fights, but it seems that Liu Yang's sickness was acting up. Was it due to Zhao Mei, or was it just a coincidence? If it was the former, then this girl would truly be terrifying, except to Li Bai.

The crowd was watching while the two teens were fighting each other. They had no idea what was going on! Zhao Mei and Liu Yang's movements were too fast for a non-cultivator's eyes to see.

Some Liu clan elders were able to tell a handful of the techniques that Liu Yang used, but what they couldn't understand was why he was backing down.

The crowd was also wondering why Zhao Mei was not even injured one bit after that onslaught from Liu Yang. They tried putting themselves in her place, shivering at the thought of it. They would not survive Liu Yang's assault.

As such, the more eye-catching of the two battles was Xiao Yu and Shi He's fight, since whatever was happening on the other stage was not comprehensible.

The crowd was feeling discontent over the fact that the two battles were being held simultaneously, as they only had eyes to observe one. Li Bai had this problem as well, albeit not to the extent as that of the commoners.

Even though Li Bai had a relatively low cultivation which severely limited his eyesight, his discernment has been tempered along with his soul through his many past lives. He didn't have a complaint about how this tournament was going.

Because of this, almost no one witnessed the pain that Liu Yang was about to go through.

"Cough, cough."

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