Chapter 75 - Ambush!

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"A miracle has happened!"

"Is it just me, or is it becoming darker?"

"That doesn't even make any sense!"

Wu Tai was also happy at the sight of the rainclouds, but he still shouted at his army! "All of you, shut up! You're all knights, what made you so afraid of a little heat?!"

Shouting made his stress go away. Looking at his army shocked was also a stress reliever for him. However, he saw one particular knight whose face was covered with a helmet, amidst all of the others.

Guo Da? Why is he still wearing his helmet? It was scorchingly hot just a minute ago...

Hearing their leader's voice, the army was startled. However, Wu Tai's expression was not convincing enough.

"Ahh, Captain, you're not very convincing!"

With a casual remark from one of the knights, the atmosphere turned bright again. All of them laughed!

Wu Tai didn't bother answering his subordinates and just turned away, sighing. The sight of the helmet-wearing knight was also put on the back of his mind.

Soon enough, they came across a ruin.

There were buildings made out of sandstone, but all of them were either on the verge of breaking or already broken.

One knight was smiling dementedly. It was the helmet-wearing knight. "Ah, we're here...!" His smile widened even more.

Suddenly, Wu Tai had a bad premonition.

Moans and screams could be heard from behind him!

"Agh!" "Ugh!"

He hurriedly turned his body around and ran towards his army, but he was too late.

Only one remained standing, as the rest laid on the sand with blood coming out of their necks. Slowly, their heads rolled off.

"Hmm? Uncle Wu, what happened?" Zhao Mei heard the sounds and was worried as well. She tried to turn her head around but was stopped by Wu Tai.

"Nothing to see... Don't worry." Wu Tai decided to hide this matter from Zhao Mei for now.

He knew very well how much this little lass hated corpses.

"Psst. Guo Da, come here!" Wu Tai called over the only one remaining knight to assist him in hiding the bodies so that Zhao Mei would not witness this terrible sight.

Although he treated them harshly, the ones that he brought for his trip were all the ones he deeply trusted. Inside, he wanted to grieve, but he knew that right now was not the time for that.

Hearing the beckon of his leader, Guo Da walked over to him while ignoring the corpses that was littered all around the ground.

"My trusted brother Guo, you are the only one left... Please, help me bury the bodies later."

Guo Da still wore a helmet over his face despite the scorching heat, so Wu Tai was not able to determine the expression that he displayed.

There was an extremely wide smile on his face under the helmet.

As he walked closer and closer, he took out a dagger from inside his armor and hid it snugly in his palm.

"For now, help me determine the cause of all of their deaths. I swear on my name, that I will avenge them!"

Guo Da was right in front of Wu Tai.

"Brother Guo...?"

He opened his palm and suddenly stabbed Wu Tai with a dagger right through his stomach!

"Uhk-!" Wu Tai's eyes widened as he could not process what just happened.

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