Chapter 57 - Magic Treasure

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While the matter with Xiao Yu was going on, the other battles were halted. Now that that matter has been temporarily resolved, they could continue.

Naturally, the other two top candidates for the first position were the next to catch the attention of the masses.

Shi He was battling against another commoner, so one would think that she would easily triumph against this other commoner, given her violent nature.

However, Shi He's opponent has proven herself formidable, except that he was barely holding on.

Yes, Shi He's opponent was a male. He went full defensive and hasn't even attacked once.

Shi He was puzzled and furious. Why aren't you attacking?! She thought. The exact words in her mind came out from her mouth.

"Why aren't you attacking me?!"

She briefly stopped attacking to see if he was just looking for an opening.

After sensing that Shi He had stopped attacking, the male stood up and showed an unharmed face. However, his arm was completely bruised. It was only a matter of time before his arm breaks.

The expression the male showed was that of a happy one.

Everyone was confused, even Li Bai. Shi He was especially confused. Why is this man smiling at me? An M, probably.

The male suddenly opened his mouth and spoke.

"Shi He, milady."

This man said as he was bowing in front of Shi He.

"I am a chivalrous man, and therefore I do not hit women."

The crowd immediately showed different expressions. Many were disgusted, but some were actually relating to this man. They were nodding and smiling in satisfaction.

Many from the crowd considered themselves to be a "chivalrous man". Even though their upbringing was that of a commoner, it was a mystery how their pride inflated so much.

Nonetheless, unless their ego was forcibly destroyed by someone, it was extremely likely that they'll continue acting like this until their death.

Shi He was extremely furious at this man. He said he was a chivalrous man, but the truth was that he found her too weak to begin with, disregarding her as just a "girl".

However, this opponent of hers had the talent to prove it. He did not get a scratch even once during her assault against him. He even stood up smiling after as if nothing was happening.

Li Bai observed from a distance and shook his head.

"To think that this fellow's so audacious as to use a magic treasure! Come to think of it, where did this commoner get one?"

After the man stopped speaking, Shi He's rage built up and she leaped towards the man again, attacking him mercilessly.

When Shi He unleashed her assault, Li Bai could feel the energy within her attacks from the distance they were in. This was impressive, even for Li Bai.

It was just that this treasure her opponent possessed absorbed all attacks from Third Level Mark and below. If it received an attack of higher caliber than that, the man would be done for.

The magic treasure was an arm guard that was not visible to the naked eye. It emitted a bit of Light energy to trick the eyes of people. However, Li Bai could see it clearly, this weirded him out!

"I know this magic treasure... this is the one that I made as a test when I was two-years-old in my past life... it was a failure so I didn't even give it a name..."

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