Chapter 55 - The Backwater City Tournament

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It was the day of the tournament. There were many attendees who wanted to watch it. In fact, there were so many, that even the enormous land the Zhou clan possessed almost got filled up by the amount of people who wanted to watch!

This was the first tournament in the history of this city, so it was obvious that it would be attended by many people.

The Zhou clan anticipated a huge amount of people, but never did they think that it would be this many! They don't even know where some of these people came from, the city surely couldn't hold this many people.

Nevertheless, the people still fitted, albeit barely.

A middle-aged man walked to the center of the crowd to quell their excitement.

"People, calm down!"

Unfortunately, this man wasn't very good at persuading people. Almost no one even heard his voice, and the ones who did paid no attention to him.

This man was the clan head of the Zhou clan, Zhou Gang! But even with his position, he has no presence whatsoever. It was a wonder how he got the position of patriarch.

He only had one option left - intimidation. He used his cultivation of Second Level Heavenly Mark to stomp on the ground, making the earth shake.

The shaking eventually stopped, and by then, everyone had already turned to look at the origin, and the crowd trembled.

"'s the Zhou clan's patriarch!"

They felt fear. How audacious could we be to ignore this person! All of them had this same collective thought.

After a while, the whole crowd was silent. In front of a Second Level Heavenly Mark cultivator, what could they do?

Zhou Gang cleared his throat and spoke.

"Everyone, please calm down."

"..." Crowd.

The crowd was more silent than before. This time, it was not out of fear, but rather, out of confusion. What do you mean? We are already silent...

The silence continued on until Zhou Gang spoke up.

"Cough cough, thank you."


The tournament was starting.

An elder from the Zhou clan shook a container that was filled with the names of the participants.

While this was happening, another elder was announcing the names of the participants.

"...Lin Feng, Yu Yin, Zhang Xuan, Xiao Yan, and finally..."

Just as the elder was about to finish reading the names, he almost spit blood.

Am... am I reading this correctly? Li... Li Bai?

The crowd was confused as well. Most of them were not paging attention to the elder speaking. They didn't care about the names of the participants.

However, the abrupt stopping of the elder startled them. As they looked, the elder had his eyebrow raised. This incited the crowds curiosity.

The elder's mouth moved briefly, as if he did not know how to speak, like a newborn. The mouth moved again, this time opening, and then closing.

The crowd was getting impatient as this elder hesitated to say the last name. Of course, they didn't say anything.

This elder was of a higher position than any of them and if they were to force him, they would probably be forced to get out of here themselves.

The elder spoke a short sound.

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