Chapter 42 - Sneaking

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Li Da was outside Li Bai's courtyard. He stood there for about an hour before his senses came back to him and stopped drooling.

"Ah, it seems that I was in a trance."

Looking around, he saw that he was right outside Li Bai's courtyard and forgot what he was doing in there in the first place. He fixed his clothes and walked away.


It was nighttime already. Almost everyone was asleep.

A figure moved in the dark. It moved towards the chamber of the Li clan's patriarch very quietly. Walking through the grass made it rustle a bit. He stopped crawling.

The guards positioned at the entrance were almost asleep. They suddenly heard something, waking them up. They were on alert for a while.

The dark figure moved after the guards were asleep again. This time, his movements were much quieter, as to not wake the guards again. He slowly made his way to the back window.

The window opened, which let the cold wind blow inside the room. Li Fu shivered a bit and turned over on his big bed. His position was messy, unbeffiting of a clan head, but no one knew of it anyway, so Li Fu was never aware of it and therefore didn't take any measures to fix it.

The figure climbed up the open window. He put his foot down inside, but as soon as it reached the floor, the wood creaked. He quickly retracted his extended leg and hid outside.

Li Fu woke up instantly and looked around. As a Fifth Level Mark cultivator, even the slightest sound would be heard.

The man outside was muttering curses. He was contemplating why such a room had a creaking wood floor. It should be top-notch, right?

"I never thought the floor would be so poorly maintained..."

After looking around, Li Fu noticed that the window was open. He walked towards the window and closed it, making sure to lock it. He yawned and lied on his bed. He fell asleep rather quickly.

The man sneaked a peek through the window and saw that Li Fu was already sleeping. Reaffirming himself that should be more careful this time, he pulled the window sidewards, only to find out that it had been locked.

"Damn it!"

The mission given to him didn't require direct contact with Li Fu, but he insisted to do it this way instead, as the other way grossed him out. Now that that the window had been locked, he had no other choice, he needed to do it the gross way. He walked towards the toilet, put a container under, and waited there, smelling all the foul odors.

Li Fu suddenly woke up when he heard his brain telling him that there's an emergency situation on the lower part of his body. He stood up and opened the door, waking the two sleeping guards up.

Running towards the toilet, Li Fu felt that it was going to go out any moment. He finally made it.

The man saw Li Fu walk in and waited a little more, hearing his groans. He wanted to vomit, but he could not as that would blow his cover.

Li Fu finished his business and walked slowly to his chamber. This annoyed the man waiting for him to get out of the area.

When he couldn't see Li Fu anymore, the man moved quickly, stepping in the toilet and pulling the container out. It was full of it. The man almost puked but he composed himself and brought the container back.


Li Da couldn't sleep, thinking about all the things he would do bonce he got a hold of Jin He or his cousin, Li Bao. He was worthy of the title "Pervert of the Clan". Maybe even in the whole city, or the whole country, no one was more perverted than him.

It couldn't calm down, but he needed it to so he could sleep. He walked out of his room and wandered around, with it standing tall. He visited the house of one of his female followers.

"Hello, may I come in?"

The woman opened the door and was delighted to see that it was Li Da. She already knew what his visit meant, as she could see it clearly.

"Ah, yes, master Li Da."

She hastily greeted him, cupping her hands and bowing quickly. She then walked inside, straight to her room.

Li Da was tempted to follow her inside but knew that it would be impolite. It would ruin the image he worked so hard on to build up.

"Are you busy?"

The woman heard his question and knew immediately that he was trying to mask his intentions. She quickly pulled him inside of her room. Li Da was surprised. He looked around the room and saw that there were many bottles of booze.


Li Da woke up, beside a naked woman, while being naked himself.

"Oh no... I have sullied my image!"

He had a headache, not remembering exactly what happened. There was one thing he was sure of - the woman would surely be displeased once she woke up.

Li Da hurriedly wore his clothes and walked outside of the house. It was morning already.

"I need to hurry on out of here! Surely she wouldn't remember anything either..."

He ran towards his room and entered, covering himself instantly with blankets. He was cowering on the bed, calculating what his next course of action should be, if the woman remembered what happened the last night.

"Ah, I can't think of anything!"

Li Da had made a grave mistake, according to himself. He was regretting his actions, especially since he promised himself to save up for Jin He and possibly Li Bao! When the time came when they would agree, he would have saved up one month, now it was all gone!

"Ah, no!"

The servant passing by outside heard Li Da's screams of agony. She was secretly delighted and giggled a bit before completely ignoring him, returning to her business while whistling.

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