Chapter 28 "VIOLET"

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I never relied on other people

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I never relied on other people. All my life my cousin Christian has taught me to rely only on myself. He always said, "If you want to be a wolf, pretend that you're alone in the forest and there's no one to help you. Imagine that all your friends betrayed you, and you have no one, and you are out on your own. Just like that, you will comprehend the price of survival. And you could listen to the instincts of self-preservation."

I believed that such words could ever help me in difficult times. No matter who I will face in my life, I won't give up. I will never betray my true motto "better die standing than live kneeling."

Though now it meant nothing. I will become a concubine and a favorite prisoner of the killer Mafioso, Eberardo de Rege.

But did he know how dangerous it is to touch the fire? Did he know that I will not silently wait for my perdition? Did he know the power of a furious woman that was separated from her beloved man?

No wonder the children of the orphanage called me Fire, and later I took that nickname for myself, appropriating it, not knowing my real surname.

However, I did not complain. Even as a child I embodied the flame that never stopped, continuing to go forward and burning everything in its path. Yes, I had a lot of troubles when I lived in the motherless children's home, but only this way I won my place in the world. There was no word "defeat" in my vocabulary. I didn't know it.

But when I met Kyle, I understood that love makes you experience such things that you never can imagine in your thoughts – you will be able to experience the bitter taste of defeat for the sake of your love. Because of him, I decided to sacrifice my honor and body to save my Kyle. He must recover fast and quickly too so that he could be at par with Grave. But somewhere subconsciously, I doubted the effectiveness of my plan of sacrifice. But in my heart, I felt I had to wait for him. Wait for the arrival of my Kyle to me.

When I, Mr. Grave and his whole gang returned to Madrid on his private jet, I never stopped thinking about escape. Albeit the inner voice whispered to me that I should wait for a while and possibly to swallow my pride, but as for me, I didn't resign to the fate. Otherwise, I could wait for the fate of the poor late Sarah.

If I have ever been able to see Mignon one more time, I could persuade him to help me. But I had no means of communication to reach him. Although, it didn't dissuade me. If I have to run, by risking everything, I will.

If I could find a way of escape, I couldn't make a move without accomplices. I knew it.

"What are you thinking about, my beauty? Is it about new escaping?" I heard poisonous laughter from Mr. Grave when we got off the plane and began to descend the ladder.

I wanted to stick the heel into his throat. I hated him so much.

"No," I smiled stiffly when we stepped on the ground. "I think that if Kyle survives, he will kill you."