Packs prt 2

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Ok, I forgot to add LeimiaScale to the Pack's list, and that was before I thought it would be needed in the story line, because I just write as it flows, I don't plan, there that's my secret, I go with the flow, anyway, I have used the specific characters for the winter solstice thing for a reason so, yeah. I'm sure all you true FT fans know why GRAY is at the meeting that LEIMIASCALE is attending, if you do not see the reason Gray is there, you need to rewatch the whole anime cuz u be behind. Anyway, here ya go, it will also include the lists of wolves from each pack going, and for all the poor sods who skip over this, then, they have shit for brains. Any way, enjoy! Also, for plot reasons, I'm removing Buchas from Fairytail for ship reasons ;) Also, don't read unless you have read the first bit of the book, there will be spoilers!!!

Packs Attending:








Ma Alpha: Natsu (m)

Aka Salamander, aged 17, one of the youngest alphas ever, 10 feet tall, Pink and black fur, onyx eyes, descended from Igneous, mated to Alpha Lucy, aka Dragon Princess 

Fem Alpha: Lucy (f)

Aka Dragon Princess, aged 17 one of the youngest alphas ever, 10 feet tall Golden fur, blue / brown /blue eyes, descended from Anna, mated to Alpha Natsu, aka Salamander 

Normal wolves attending:

Gray (m)

Aka Ice Princess, aged 21 Natsu's best frenemy, 8 foot 9 tall, Blue-Gray fur, Gray eyes, descended from Frostylia, dating Juvia, aka Rainwoman

Juvia (f)

Aka Rainwoman, aged 22 Gray's 1 fan up until he confessed his feelings for her, 7 foot 5, navy blue fur, blue eyes, descended from Ame, dating Gray, aka Ice Princess 

Gajeel (m)

Aka Iron head, aged 18, likes Shrimp 🦐 , 9 foot 6, black fur, lots of piercings, red eyes mated to Levy aka Shrimp  

Levy (f)

Aka Shrimp, aged 18, bookworm, 5 foot 6, blue fur, brown eyes. Mated to Gajeel aka Ironhead 

Cana (f)

Aka Drunkette, aged 34, BOOOOOOOS! 7 foot 11, brown fur, green eyes I know her eyes aren't green, I just want there to be more variety! Descended from Terro, unmated

Gildarts (m)

Aka Drunkard, aged 51, BOOOOOOOOOS! 8 foot 6, brown fur, gray eyes, descended from Terro, mate died, father of Cana

Mira (f)

Aka She devil/ demon matchmaker, aged 32, white fur, blue eyes, cute yet deadly, 8 foot 7, descended from Mist, mated to Laxus aka Sparky

The Alpha's missing Mate [Nalu fairytail]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora