Chapter Thirteen.

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The moment when you let your brother drive your truck and you filled with a sense of regret because you know something is gonna go wrong.

Nolan asked if he could borrow my truck so he could run an errand. I didn't think anything if it at first but my suspicions grew as I watched him hook the trailer to the back of the truck. I don't know what he has up his sleeve but I just hope it's nothing crazy.

As for me I'm parked, Bubba had to go out of town due to a family crisis and the shop is closed. So until he decides to open up shop again I'm doing odd jobs around the neighborhood and searching for a second job to have some more money in my pocket. So far the jobs I've come across are late night jobs, I'd like to get something where I can work early in the morning but if push comes to shove I'll take a night job.

I know my mama said she didn't want me to do that but I'm doing what I gotta do.

Since Normani and I's little date or whatever you wanna call it she's been very chill. We're actually able to be in the same room without ripping each other's heads off. I don't know what inspired this sudden change in Normani but I like it. Fingers crossed things stay this way.

I finished mastering a song and loaded it on SoundCloud, Timmy wanted me to build him a gaming laptop and I finished putting it together for him. Interesting fact about me I'm a super nerd. I like playing with computers and see how they work and how to make them better than they are.

I looked it of the window and Timmy pulled into the driveway. I carefully loaded his new computer into a box and carried it outside.

"Here you go Timmy, your brand new computer. Now you can play GTA and all that other shit you play with no problem." I said.

"Timmy thanks you." He said.

"No problem." I said.

Timmy handed me an envelope and put it in my back pocket. "Tim y thinks you should use that money to take Ratchet Raccoon on a nice date." He said.

"Baby steps Timmy. We're just trying to get to know each other that's all." I said.

"Timmy thinks you should stop playing and snatch her up before someone else does." Timmy said.

"I hear you Timmy." I said.

"Timmy heard that Normani is sweet on you buddy." Timmy said.

I shook my head and folded my arms, "Get out of here Timmy." I said.

"Alright. But Timmy's gotta tell you something." He said.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"Timmy can't play in the band anymore." Timmy said.

"Let me guess. Your parents heard about the shooting and they don't want you caught up in that shit?" I asked.

Timmy nodded, "Yeah, plus Timmy got other things going on right now and he just won't have time to do it anymore." He said.

"I'm a little disappointed but I understand. Do what you gotta do man." I said.

"Thanks for everything man. Timmy will holla at you later." He said.

"Don't hurt yourself now." I said.

"Timmy got this, man!" Timmy yelled.

Timmy got in his car and backed out of our driveway. Before I could turn around Nolan pulled in the driveway. I should've known Nolan was gonna get a new bike sooner or later. Gotta admit this one is nicer than his old one. Now he's gonna have to deal with mama fussing at him about blowing his money on bikes.

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