Waking up (chapter 1)

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Alexandra's POV

I feel cold, colder than what should have been humanly possible.

I don't remember what happened, besides a slight blur at the black of my mind. Silent images that don't seem to fit together.

I hear a slow dripping noise from outside the cold surface I am trapped in.

'What is that sound?' I think to myself, struggling to open my eyes. They seem as if they're glued shut.

I then hear a muffled voice talk slowly. I can't comprehend any of the words that are being spoken, so I focus on what I can hear instead.

Whoever this person is pulls something, which I can assume is some type of parchement, out of something else.

The voice talks again and then the dripping starts once more.

~Time skip brought to you by mysterious voices and dripping sounds~

All of a sudden I fall and hit something hard.

I  hear 'Ooohs' and 'ahhhs' from around me, and look around wearily, trying to find the source of noise.

Someone picks me up, and I look up at him.

His brown eyes seem very disinterested, his black hair falling in his face slightly as he sets me inside of some sort of contraption.

It triggers my memory, drawing up an image of a carriage, which is almost what this would resemble if it wasn't so... shiny... and not driven by horses.

The person driving the carriage-like thing goes up to some sort of building. It comes to a sudden halt beside some other carriage-like thing, slightly similar to the one I was in.

"We're here. Now get out and wait for me," the guy says, opening the door for me and turning his head away from me, still seeming annoyed.

I do as he tells me and then stand beside him, waiting for further instruction.

He rolls his eyes and grabs my wrist, halfway dragging me towards the building.

That's all for now! See you in the next chapter!

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