What is Wrong With You? (Chapter 7)

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Alex's pov

"Uh... Why are you feeling my head..." He says swatting my hand away. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"Oh... heh, just, natural instincts." I felt so awkward standing there now.

Evelyn passed by, making a heart with her hands around us. I stared at her with a menacing stare and she ran up the stairs.

"Server her right to think that we are together."

"Yeah... I guess. Well, I'll be in the living room if you need me."

"Ok, but first... I need to get someone..."

"Ok...?" I flew up the stairs to see Evelyn sitting on my bed, giggling to herself.

She didn't see me walk in and I decided to scare her. I ran and jumped on top of her and she screamed into a pillow that was next to her. I got off her after a few minutes of tickling and she said,

"What did you do that fo-"

"For making me and Ben feel awkward!" I interrupted her.

"Oh, that makes sense... I did that just to joke around with you guys."

"How ironic." I said sarcastically. I walked back down the stairs and sat next to Ben, and started watching him play Minecraft.

"What is Minecraft?" I asked him. It looked fun and I wanted to play with him.

Ben's pov

I can't believe that she doesn't know what Minecraft is!

Oh... wait, I forgot she was from the 1800's...

"Well... you see that Minecraft is a survival game and you need to craft tools and other items to help you along your journey to defeat the Enderdragon.

"Obviously, it's not a real life game...but there are some pretty good animations about it. You can build whatever you want as long as you don't 'die' doing it or you will loose all of your stuff. Especially if you're working to build a bridge to get across the Nether or The End."

"Wow..." Is all Alex said.

She picked up a controller and said,

"Will you teach me how to play?"


After teaching her how to play, I heard the doorbell ring and saw Alex's caretaker  open the door and saw my mother come through.

"Hello Ben... and Alex."

"Hello mother!" I said.

"Hello Mrs. Cade!" Alex is so nice to my mother.

Evelyn's pov

I was standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror, talking to myself, saying "I'm not... 'myself'." I sat down on the floor, holding my head in my hands.

"Why can't I just be 'myself'? I mean... I'm not usually like this. I'm not coldhearted at all... if that's what you readers think."

I was really happy before I started working for the government... It gives great pay even though everyone is... coldhearted.

I was one of the only ones who didn't change. I had to act this way to keep my job.

I hate it because everyone thinks that I'm like 'them', taking innocent people in all the time for no reason. That isn't true at all.

After a couple of silent minutes went by, I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Evelyn..." It was Alex.

"Are you okay...?"

"Yeah... I'm fine." I say as I wipe my tears.

Stay strong Evelyn... stay strong I say to myself. I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were puffy and my nose was red.

I can't have Alex see me like this! I tell myself.

She knocks again, and I grab a towel and throw it over my head. I open the door and say "Hey! How is it goin'?"

"Why do you have a towel on your head?"

"Because... I FELT LIKE IT." I threw the towel off my head and ran to the other room.

Alex's pov

I saw Evelyn run by me and saw that her nose was red. Was she crying? I thought to myself.

Well... time to look for her.

I looked in my room and Ben's but didn't see her. What I did find though was a notebook of some sort with today's date on it. it said,


Dear journal,

I had the best time ever! I played Minecraft with this girl named Alex...

A/N: I'm not going to do the fancy spaces anymore and write normally because it takes a lot of time to get it right with the spaces than without. Sorry for the inconvenience! Stay frosty my huskies!

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