Flashbacks (Chapter 14)

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Alex's P.O.V.

Evelyn was pulling me back to the table.

Why would she do that? Everyone would have known I was crying. Maybe that was why she did.

As we got there Ben immediately looked at us. "Alex! What happened?"

I sat down next to him and hugged him. I started crying into his shirt. He hugged me and started to rub my back.

I eventually calmed down. He asked again and I told him this time.

"I h-had a f-flashback f-f-from when I-I was 10..." Both he and Evelyn looked at each other.

"It's ok Alex. Everything will be ok." I sighed and put back on a smile.

"Well... let's not let it ruin dinner. Shall we?" I continued to eat as if nothing had happened. Everyone was still looking at me worriedly but continued to eat as well.

I was humming as I ate and finished before everyone else. Ben finished second and put his arm around me. I started blushing.

Evelyn noticed and started giggling and tapped Skye on the shoulder. She then pointed at us and snapped a quick photo.

"This is going on the shipping shrine!" I turned my head and put it on Ben's chest.

I could hear his heart beating...

Evelyn continued to snap more pictures. Skye was just laughing her head off though I didn't know why.

I sat up and looked straight into Evelyn's eyes. She stopped taking photos.

"Evelyn, I swear if you take another photo you won't like what happens next..." I said in a dark tone. Everyone except Ben looked at me scared.

"Hah! Just kidding! You guys seriously need to lighten up!" I giggled. Ben joined in with my laugh fest.

Soon enough we had everyone in the restaurant laughing. Eventually, the laughter died down and we paid and left.

We got into the car and Ben started driving. We got into bad traffic and sat for about an hour.

"So Alex. What was the flashback about?" Ben asked as I stiffened up.

"U-um. It was about two of my friends from back then... Carina and Zachariah. I wanted Carina to accept Zachariah into our group. But because he was a boy she didn't. I got so upset that I grabbed his wrist and ran. She tried to apologize many times but to no avail." I said on the verge of crying again.

He grabbed my hand and slightly squeezed. "It was because you and Skye fighting that triggered it. I'm sorry..." I said.

"You have no reason to be sorry. If anyone should be sorry it's me and Skye. And I'll be the first to say it. I'm so sorry, Alex." Ben replied, looking guilty.

"I am sorry to Alex. If I had known it would hurt you I would never have said it," Skye said.

"It's okay guys. I forgive you both. Just please don't do it again." They both nodded as we continued driving home.

It was about an hour drive to the house. We eventually made it. We all walked in and said our goodbyes to Skye and Evelyn.

Ben and I sat down on the couch. We sat kind of close to each other. He put his arm around me again and I started blushing like crazy.

I swear I probably look like a tomato right now. I heard him chuckle.

"Are you ok Alex? You look kinda red," he said looking down on me with worry clouding his brown eyes.

"I-I'm just hot is all..." I replied quickly.

"Ok. If you say so." He turned on the TV and put on Another Cinderella Story. It looked like a good movie.

As we watched it he scooted closer to me. At the time I hadn't noticed. About halfway through the movie he got up and went to the kitchen.

I didn't question him at the time because I knew he was either getting popcorn or a drink. I then heard popping coming from the microwave, proving my suspicion.

He came back out a few minutes later with a huge bowl of popcorn and two glasses of water. He sat back down with the popcorn in his lap. He then put his arm back around me and we continued the movie in peace.

It was about 10:30 when the movie ended.

"How did you like it?"

"I LOVED IT!" I screamed hugging him.

He was all in all just an amazing person. I kept getting this weird feeling whenever I was around him. It felt like butterflies in my stomach. I knew I had a crush on him and he liked me back. I just don't know the right time to tell him.

What if his feelings have changed? They probably have. I don't think he would like to be with me anyway.

He'll probably be happy to get rid of me as soon as he can.

HELLLLLLO everyone! What did you think of this little chappy? If you liked it please vote! I also tried writing smol fluff for the first time! Did I do good? Anyways. Stay Frosty My Huskies

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