Meeting some neighbors (Chapter 3)

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Alex's pov

I woke up with a start and got changed.

Today was the day I get to meet the neighbors! I'm so excited I could just scream.

I decided against screaming and went downstairs to see a plate of food on the table.

He was just sitting on the couch. I'm guessing he already finished breakfast.

I sat down and ate my eggs and bacon.

"You almost ready to go meet the neighbors?" he asked while the 'news' was playing.

"Yep!" I replied as we headed out the door and down the sidewalk and to neighbor number 1's house.

He pressed a button and soon enough the door opened.

The girl gasped and walked out and shook my hand.

"Oh my goodness! Its so nice to meet you! You're the girl from the ice aren't you?" she spoke fast.

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you too. My name is Alex and I hope we can become close friends!" I said being as polite as possible.

"Of course sweetie. And if you ever need a break from this man just come over to my place! Ok?" She replied as he grumbled and I smiled.

I waved goodbye as we walked to the other side of his house.

"She was nice," I said trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yep. She is like the mom of our little community. If you ever need anything, she is the one to go to." he replied being actually being talkative for once.

"Now this guy," he says gesturing to the house in front of us, "He isn't as nice but seeing as you are who you are he should be a bit nicer" he says in a hushed tone.

"Ok," I said as we walked up. He pressed the button again.

"WHAT!!" the guy yells as he opens the door making me cover my ears.

"Bart be nice. This is the girl from the ice." My 'friend' says as I wave slightly.

"Oh. I'm sorry darling I didn't mean to scare you," he said a lot softer.

"Its ok. It's nice to meet you, Bart, I'm Alex" I say pretty much copying what I said to the first woman.

"Nice to meet you to, Alex. If he ever gets on your nerves tell me and I'll whip him into shape." Bart says to me.

"Oh, I don't think he'll be a problem Bart." I giggle as Bart glares at him.

His pov

I took her to a few more neighbors houses. Everyone loves her.

I'm glad she thinks I won't be a problem even though I am the grumpiest person on the block.

She's amazing.

NO! Don't think like that. She's just temporarily staying at my house while she gets used to being in our society.

I have to think of it like fostering a child. She could only be in my house for a week before she's gone. At least if she does leave me in a week she'll be out of my hair.

But she is the best girl I've met.

Stop it brain! I cannot develop a crush on her! If I do I'll just be heartbroken again. I cannot let that happen again. She will not end out like her. I will not let it. Alex is too sweet to be that mean. But never mind that. I cannot and will not have a crush on this girl. She deserves so much better than me.

Lex's pov

He's so cute when he dazes off like that.

WHAT! Brain don't start thinking about that.

I've only known him for two days. I don't even know his name!

I mean sure I may be there for a while and maybe something will happen but not now and hopefully not too soon.

I need to learn about this society before I get into a relationship.

I need to get a job as well. Maybe we'll go out tomorrow and look for a job, but I'm not getting my hopes too high because who knows what Mr. McGrumpy pants will want to do.

Of course, we may need to find out what I like to do before we do that.

But no matter what we do it'll help me blend in society more. I just hope that I'll blend well and eventually no one will know who I am. I hate being called "The girl from the Ice".

I want everyone to know me for me and not just some girl who survived in ice for 300 years.

And besides, I wasn't even able to pick who I wanted to stay with. Nope! I got Mr. McGrumpy pants.

Maybe he'll warm up and at least be nicer.

I don't care if I ever learn his name. All I care is that he is nice.

But no matter what he's still handsome.

NO NO NO NO NO! I don't like him like that and I never will. He's too isolated and cold.

But maybe I can melt his heart...

833 words guys! A new record! Anyway, what did you think? And you can always tell me mistakes in the comments. Well see you in the next chapter and stay Frosty!

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