How can a corpse run faster than me?

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“Why swords?” I complained completely out of breath.

“Go Angus!” Jett cheered from the corner of the arena, which I’m not sure if I can call it like that because it was a completely round arena so of course it didn’t have any corners so… Jett was just staying away from all the others se he wouldn’t accidentally get stabbed in the eye or something.

Knox hadn’t stopped giggling for a hour now, and it was kind of irritating me to the core and it, as well, distracted me a lot, especially when he wouldn’t stop flying over my head in his falcon form.

“Why don’t you use guns? Preferably huge ones?” I asked to Aves, who unlike me, didn’t look like was barely standing on his feet sweating like a pig in a summer day. He looked like he was having a nice chat with me despite the sword in his hand, rather than making my life more miserable than it already was with that stupid metal stick.

“Guns can come in handy but the problem is that the Ancients are against them and they prefer swords instead. They are old souls and according to them, swords are more of a honest and brave way of fighting.” Aves explained as he charged towards me, pointing the sword at my chest. He would have stabbed me if it wasn’t for the fact that I panicked and fell on the floor screaming like a little girl.

“But why do I have to know this?” I signed at the sword that just felt wrong in my hand. It was too light, and that just made me feel extremely uncomfortable. And I have no idea why. “I mean, I’m good with computers and I can come in handy when it comes to plants thanks to Jett. I can help with those.”

“Well you can’t kill a dragon with a plant and a laptop.” Excuse me, you said what now?


“Well… Yeah. Or trolls or giants… If you haven’t figured out yet, we get attacked a lot during our life from different creatures and some of them have to die before it kills us, the people we love or half of the world…” I was about to interrupt him about the last part, but Aves just rolled his eyes and sighed. “Long story.”

“I didn’t sign up for this.” I muttered more to myself but Aves heard me.

“Don’t worry. It’s not much of a deal… most of the time. As you know, not many know about us. Right?” He asked and despite the fact that I was confused, I just nodded. “Well, that is true, but that also means that there are a few that know about us, and most of them either try to kill us or use us by torturing us.”

My life is just getting better and better.

“Is it too late to go back at the cave?” Knox didn’t sound that much happy now. Jett on the other side was loosing all this interesting conversation about 101 reasons why to regret all of this, because he suddenly got so fascinated by a pink flower that had bloomed in one of the tree trunks and was getting notes in a what looked like a huge leaf.

“Maybe if we make them believe a crocodile ate us, we can just run away from all of this.” I thought to Knox but the idea didn’t seem to comfort me. Call me whatever you want, I was freaking terrified. And I didn’t even want to think about the little detail of objects talking to me.

“Why?” I asked with a shaky voice.

“Because they either believe that it’s not fair for a living creature to have the power we have because of our Ancients or they want that power to themselves so we kind of are stuck in the middle of this mess. And we have to protect ourselves so sword fighting comes in handy.” Aves explained all of this while trying to stick that filthy sword in me while I was out of breath just trying to jump out of the way. I had no idea why was he attacking me like this, especially when this was the very first lesson about sword fighting I have ever had in my life. He could go a little bit easy on me.

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